Matthew Miller wrote:
On Tue, Oct 19, 2004 at 05:56:31PM +0200, Xose Vazquez Perez wrote:
The LDAP system collapsed (or, more consicely, it somehow beginned to
take 5 minutes to get a GNOME login (where 5-10 sec is normal...). So, i
logged in as root, ran system-config-authentification, turned on user
info cacheing, logged back out, and things worked.
what's wrong with logging as any unprivileged user, to open a xterm,
to run "su -" and then system-config-authentification ?
With LDAP down, unpriviledged users couldn't authenticate.
Always is a good idea to have a second user(unpriviledged) in local
for maintenance, operator or something like this.
Hello, this is Darl McBride, and I pronounce Linux as UNIX.