On 12.05.2013 00:10, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
FWIW the libguestfs transition to Lua 5.2 (done by the SuSE guys)
wasn't completely straightforward. A handful of APIs have been
removed or changed. These are the changes we had to make:
As many of Fedora developers know, LuaJIT [1] is a drop-in replacement
of Lua 5.1. The author Mike Pall stays on his strong opinion to not
upgrade the LuaJIT implementation of the language to 5.2 standard in the
foreseeable future. His basic stand point is about keeping compatibility
for the existing users.
[1] http://luajit.org/performance_x86.html
So, may be Fedora transition to 5.2 is the right moment for LuaJIT to be
finally included in the collection (with an additional role as
lua51-compat package - alternative provider of lua(abi) = 5.1 on all
architectures except s390 and ppc64).
Initially, back in the LuaJIT 2.0 beta times, there was one failed
packaging attempt [2] who died due to disappeared candidate packager.
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=718681
Meanwhile, after 2 years intensive beta period LuaJIT reached official
2.0 release (2012-11-12). Current version is 2.0.1-2 and 2.1 (with
compiled string operations) is on the way - [3] (mirror).
[3] http://repo.or.cz/git-browser/by-commit.html?r=luajit-2.0.git
Personally, I not have learned all of the guidelines yet and do not feel
ready to make proper reviews of other packages ( besides my recent hard
times with bunch of stalled tasks :-( ), but there are another
unofficial spec [4] and if Craig is willing to become leading maintainer
I will be happy to apply as co-maintainer (not because package requires
additional care, but as help with the bugs processing duties, if any).
@Craig what you think?
[4] https://github.com/craigbarnes/packages/blob/master/luajit.spec
As a side note, LuaJIT extends Lua language with an unique FFI mechanism
for direct leveraging the whole treasure of the collection provided
C-APIs, coded as simple as [5] (compiled to native calls, without need
of libffi or such), which makes it perfect for standalone
system-scripting tool and/or Python companion [6].
[5] http://luajit.org/ext_ffi_tutorial.html#zlib
[6] https://github.com/scoder/lupa
Kind Regards,
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