Hi, my name is David Beveridge. my username is bevhost (Beveridge Internet Hosting) I have been using redhat since about version 3. After version 9, it split into fedora core and enterprice linux, I used fedora for while until centos came out and I've pretty much been using that ever since. I've also dabbled in SME Server (e-smith server and gateway), which is kind of like Microsoft Small Business Server but build on CentOS. I now work for an ISP here in Australia that has a network of captive portals providing Internet access (mostly to university students), but also in shopping centers etc. We have around 20,000 subscribers on the service. The back end servers run on ESX using CentOS 6 with nginx, php, freeradius and MariaDB cluster using Multi-Master-MySQL. We have no-where near enough IPv4 addresses to give everyone a public address. One of our problems is that captive portals rely on NAT and support for NAT on IPv6 is just not happening for now anyway. So it looks like we'll have to look at other means of connecting our customers. They can connect via the captive portal and get a Private IPv4 address behind our NAT or they can run PPPoE to get a better service with Public Addresses. Most ISP use PPPoE to connect customers, but for this to work with IPv6, it is important that customers be allocated an IPv6 Global Address. To do this you need a DHCPv6 Client package that supports DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation over PPP. A little google searching reveals that almost everyone who has this working is using the BSD wide-dhcpv6 implementation done by kame.net Notably this is packaged in Ubuntu and Debian Linux. And Since I'm a redhat boy, I wanted to make it work here too. (Even if I do use Mythbuntu for my media server) If you want to know more about me I should be easy to find https://www.google.com.au/search?q=bevhost or you can try some of these... http://www.beveridge.id.au/david/ http://www.bigaircommunitybroadband.com.au/ https://github.com/bevhost http://au.linkedin.com/pub/david-beveridge/42/512/ba9/ http://bugs.contribs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6393 http://ipv6.he.net/certification/scoresheet.php?pass_name=bevhost And of course it would be great if someone would sponsor me https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=956147 -- devel mailing list devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel