Oh. Forgot... Yesterday, i ran "yum update 'gnome-*'" (after running "yum update yum", so i had the newest version). But since i did not have enough time to let it finish, i control-c'ed it (=> trace) and shut down the machine (cleanly). Today, when i wanted to continue where i left of, i just hit "up" a few times, untill the comand came up again. It downloaded the first header, and stopped. i did it again, and it downloaded the next header etc., until at last (after a 4-5 times of up -> enter -> wait), it finished and began downloading. lør, 16.10.2004 kl. 20.28 skrev seth vidal: > On Sat, 2004-10-16 at 19:57 +0200, Kyrre Ness Sjobak wrote: > > Okay. How much do i have to update? i update gnome-* right now (and ran > > into a bug in yum at the same time... Seth?) - is this enough? Or what > > more do i need? > > I'm going to need a lot more info than "ran into a bug in yum" > > -sv >