Re: Yum plugin for prioritize providers [was Re: Fwd: MariaDB replacing MySQL]

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Am 18.03.2013 20:55, schrieb James Antill:
>  This means users can't choose between the mysql's if they want to, so
> if we do this it'd be much easier to just say "we'll only have a single
> `mysql' in Fedora" and then we'd just have to add one more obsolete to
> mariadb and everything works perfectly.

and why is this not happening instead a lot of workarounds and
hacks in SPEC files and mangle sonames which makes anything related
to mysql ar whatever fork-name ugly at all?

by introduce systemd nobody cared about "having another working initd"
without punish users in the way to early F15 state but now in the case
of user-applications it happens in a dirty way?

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