Re: dnf installs cron.hourly

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On 18/03/13 12:39, Richard Hughes wrote:

On 18 March 2013 09:21, Ales Kozumplik <akozumpl@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
How does PackageKit implement this?
We ask NetworkManager (or connman) for the network adaptor type. This
seems to work well, unless someone uses their phone as a portable
hotspot (i.e. Wifi) and then it fails hard. Code is in -- see
It's all based on an erroneous presumption however, namely that it is 
only mobile broadband connections which have bandwidth restrictions/costs.
A single "unit" of usage on my VDSL connection is worth 2.5Gb of data 
during working hours, 50Gb in the evenings or weekends and 1Tb in the 
early hours of the morning. Not surprisingly therefore I prefer it if 
updates don't suddenly start downloading during working hours, which is 
exactly what happened when I upgraded to F18.

Tom Hughes (tom@xxxxxxxxxx)
devel mailing list

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