Dne 13.3.2013 13:40, Richard W.M. Jones napsal(a):
I just got notification of this broken dependency:
libguestfs has broken dependencies in the F-19 tree:
On x86_64:
1:ruby-libguestfs-1.21.19-1.fc19.x86_64 requires ruby(abi) = 0:1.9.1
No problem with that. However I tried to install the new Ruby on my
Rawhide machine, but it doesn't seem to be available in the
repositories. Short of installing it by hand from Koji, is there
something I have to do get the new Ruby version?
Currently I have:
Hi Rich,
It was merged yesterday afternoon, so it might take time to propagate
through mirrors I guess, but it is definitely available in Koji [1].
Btw I did some update script, I am using personally [2], though for Ruby
bindings it might not be very usable. It should be enough to run
`update.rb yourpackage.spec` which should do the basic modifications
mandated by updated Ruby packaging guidelines [3]. I know it is not
overdocumented, sorry about that :/
[1] http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/repos/rawhide/latest/x86_64/
[2] https://github.com/voxik/fermig
[3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Ruby
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