Yum also may be used with --installroot=root
I have used yum and rpm on that kind with aliases for current user to
install software from repositories on shared hosting absolutely without
root privileges.
In most cases it works, except some cases when particular binaries looks
say own config files by fixed path (/etc/appname/default.conf). In such
situation you may deep look documentation about config configuration
options, environment variables and so. As last alternative before start
patching source code you may also just patch elf binary to replace that
path by some with the same length (I have done it by compose symlynks
In any case, it some sort of hacks and depend from you really needs. If
it intended for other users and predictable reproducible results you
should patch software to bring them configurability in some way. And
offer such patches to upstream also will be good idea.
31.01.2013 11:40, Michael Stahnke пишет:
You actually may have an option. It's dirty, and here be dragons. I
know this from working on RPM on AIX, so again, it's hacky. I did this
on a CentOS 6.3 box for my example, should work on Fedora.
You can do something like:
ls zip-3.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
mkdir $HOME/.myrpm
cp -pr /var/lib/rpm/* $HOME/.myrpm/
chown -R $USER $HOME/.myrpm/
rpm -Uvh --justdb --dbpath $HOME/.myrpm zip-3.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
rpm2cpio < zip-3.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmv
rpm -q --dbpath $HOME/.myrpm zip
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ rpm -q --dbpath /home/vagrant/.myrpm zip
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ rpm -q zip
package zip is not installed
You now have zip installed (and rooted) in $HOME. You'd have to add
the --dbpath option to rpm any time you used it, and it would get out
of sync with the system rpm database unless you wrote some tooling
around that. But it's completely do-able.
Again, it's ugly and I don't recommend it.
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