Have you ever want to get your Amateur Radio License or Upgrade here is
your chance at Fudcon Lawrence.
For the Second NA Fudcon we are pleased to offer a ARRL Test Session on
Saturday Jan 19th 10am -2PM in Learned Hall University of Kansas
There is a $15 cost to take the exam. (This Fee goes to the ARRL to
cover the cost of the Exam and materials needed)
Please bring a Photo ID and if you are Licensed copies you your license
and any CSCE you may have. and a PENCIL.
so if you are at Fudcon and are interested please let Ben Williams
(Southern_Gentleman) or Nick Bebot (nb) know asap.
(Suggested reading for those wanting to get your License or upgrade
http://www.kb6nu.com/tech-manual/ . The nononsense Study guides and
online test will prepeare you for the real test. )
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