Harald Hoyer wrote:
Kyrre Ness Sjobak wrote:
While there are so much chattering about automounting, security considerations of the new fstab "console" tag etc., i have as a systems administrator withnessed one thing - with something as old as floppyes.
People mount up the floppy (acctually, they have no clue that they are mounting it, they just click the nice little "floppy" icon), get their files, pull out the floppy (without umounting), and logs out.
Then, 2 minutes later, another user logs in, pulls up his/her floppy, and... the floppy is mounted. Cant get it umounted, and can't mount his/her floppy. Grr...
Reason that there is a problem with floppyes and not other removable storage, is of cource that floppyes is the only removable storage that the user can pull out without the system gets the message - if you pull an usb mass storage plug, it gets umounted (and it is mounted "sync" so you probably won't loose data either). If you try to eject a cd, it wont come out - untill you umount it (this is really frustrating to new users as well - the "eject" button should umount the cd and eject it, and if it is buisy, tell dbus to tell gnome to display that popup we all loved in fc1)
But what if all volumes that the user mounted when he/she was logged on, automatically got umounted when the user who mounted it logs out? That would solve it.
About the "console" flag: would a user sitting on an XDMCP terminal be considered a console user or not? How is it determined if he/she is a console user or not? Because someone sitting on an xdmcp terminal shouldn't be considered "console"...
Maybe the easiest would be to patch the Gnome/KDE Desktop file-io with floppy devices to mount/umount after each action (like the mtools).
I think there was a brief discussion in the nautilus mailing list about writing an mtools backend for gnome-vfs.
Regards, Ricardo Veguilla