On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 08:29:52 -0500,
Martin Preisler <mpreisle@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I want to push Ogre 1.8.1 into rawhide next week. This will most likely break some packages but we have a lots and lots of time to fix it all up in rawhide. The changes in Ogre API aren't extensive enough for this to be a real risk and we can always revert. The most common break is Ogre::Singleton<..>::ms_Singleton being renamed to Ogre::Singleton<..>::msSingleton.
As I am not a provenpackager I will need some cooperation from maintainers of pkgs depending on Ogre.
It looks like vegastrike will work with just a straight rebuild.
I found a page where someone listed what changes to meshmagick were needed
to get it to build for 1.8, which saved me a bit of time.
I was looking at the cmake code for building OGRE.pc and I am thinking
that when built using boost threading, -lboost_system-mt should get added
as well as -lpthread. Doing this will get mygui to build (which I also am
upgrading to 3.2). I might not get to that today though.
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