On Thu, 1 Nov 2012, Michael Scherer wrote:
Le jeudi 01 novembre 2012 à 08:32 -0400, Mo Morsi a écrit :
On 10/31/2012 01:07 PM, Seth Vidal wrote:
You can orchestrate all of these steps across/between multiple systems
using ansible: http://ansible.cc - I've been documenting spinning up and
provisioning instances on my blog in the last week or so. You might
take a
look - it should solve the problem of the above needing to be so manual
of a process and it requires nothing other than ssh be installed on the
machine you're trying to configure/control.
Cool thanks for the info Seth. Ansible looks interesting, its a
configuration orchestration component akin to Puppet / Chef is it not?
Does it do any provisioning in itself?
It can be used for remote and parallel job executation ( like run uptime
on all servers ).
But it can also be used with playbook, to describe the state of a server
and make sure it is compliant. For example, "make sure service is
started", "restart if config was changed" ( using a notification system
Most importantly to me is the ability to orchestrate between servers in a
single playbook or via the api:
Ex: "Take data from running this on system 1 and put that data into the
config on system 2, notify system 3 you've done this"
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