Using F18 TC6 in a KVM install, I was able to install texlive-2012 as per the updates-testing packages, and look at the state of generating documenation with DocBook toolchains using dblatex and Doxygen toolchains using pdflatex. This is related to RH488651, the tracker bug to update TeX in Fedora to one more closely matching upstream TeX development. Although updating TeX is not an Accepted Feature in F18, texlive-2012 packages are in updates-testing. Using these packages, with some changes, I was able to get a usable doxygen configuration for PDF, and came much closer for docbook 5. The full $SUBJECT is optimistic, alas. I'm really hoping that we can merge in the new TeX bits and fix them up in place with a sprint where all concerned work on it. I'm not quite sure what the criteria would be for the conversion from Tex 2007 to TeX 2012, but let me suggest workable docbook/doxygen/texinfo toolchains as existenzminimum. To that end: Issues: 1) docbook5-style-xsl Issue with docbook.xsl typo/porting error. See GNOME BZ 687299 Fixed via hack: ln -s VERSION VERSION.xsl 2) doxygen-pdf needs PreReq: texlive-sectsty PreReq: texlive-tocloft PreReq: texlive-xtab PreReq: texlive-multirow 3) docbook5-style-xsl needs PreReq: texlive-subfigure PreReq: texlive-appendix PreReq: texlive-changebar PreReq: texlive-bibtopic PreReq: texlive-overpic 4) any math formulas seem to need more than texlive-amsfonts I just used the big guns: yum install -y texlive-collection-fontsextra texlive-collection-fontrecommended These group packages for TeX fonts are great and I'm glad that Fedora has them. 5) dblatex seems to be not working. Not quite sure what is going on, Error is: incomplete /ifmmode. I took the generated F18 .xml input and ran it thourgh dblatex on a working F17 install, no problems. My plan is to try and report these problems in Fedora BZ, even though these packages are still in updates testing? Call me crazy? Is there a better place to report these bugs? best, -benjamin -- devel mailing list devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx