I've a problem with a static bundled library in a package, specifically duff - Quickly find duplicate files - BZ Review 857639, I already made a ticket in FPC #211 seeking an exception, my choice is to package the library in Fedora, I know, but revising the original code of the library sha* . I find differences, I'm not an experienced programmer of C, but i see changes by the upstream of Duff in the original code, you can see it here
http://fpaste.org/7m2d/, someone with more experience could tell me if these differences are serious?, or otherwise I can modify the behavior of the program to search the libraries in a separate package? I've commented that the configure don't have options to search the libraries in another location what not that which is expected.
Note: in all other debuginfo package of other distros, are the same static libraries ,
by example:
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