On 08/02/2012 12:02 AM, Mathieu Bridon wrote:
On Wed, 2012-08-01 at 23:52 -0600, Nathanael D. Noblet wrote:
Where would you like bug reports?
I tried it against one of my own review tickets. It found a number of
issues however almost all of them except one was wrong.
For example it complained of no clean section with a rm -rf %{buildroot}
which the specfile contained, same message except in the install section
Are you sure it wasn't complaining that the specfile actually contained
those lines?
The Fedora guidelines say those lines are not needed, and shouldn't be
there for new packages, unless the package maintainer wants to ensure
compatibility with EPEL 5.
Hmm I guess I mis-read it then.
[!]: MUST Buildroot is not present
[!]: MUST Package does not run rm -rf %{buildroot} (or $RPM_BUILD_ROOT)
at the beginning of %install
When I read that, the ! tells me I failed that. So Package does not run
rm -rf %{buildroot} at the beginning of %install. I think the double
negative there is what threw me. I think putting the MUST part into the
actual description would help. For example
[!] Package MUST NOT run rm -rf %{buildroot} ...
Clearly tells me that I failed that because I am running the rm command.
Whereas a MUST preceding the line and the failure can be interpreted as
I failed because the package does not run rm -rf ... Not sure if you see
what I mean. Now that it is pointed out it does make more sense.
Thoughts? Is it just me that read that totally wrong?
Nathanael d. Noblet
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