Re: [HEADS-UP] Rawhide: /tmp is now on tmpfs

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Am 01.06.2012 17:05, schrieb Gregory Maxwell:
> On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 9:50 AM, Gerry Reno <greno@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> So everyone needs to go out and buy twice as much RAM so F18+ can run /tmp as tmpfs without causing memory shortfalls
>> for everything else they do.
>> That's crazy.
> Thats not true (and I've used tmpfs for tmp for years, so I'm speaking
> from experience)— tmpfs is backed by swap on demand. Just add the
> space that you would have used for /tmp to your swap

well designed machines do NOT swap and have not alligend
swap at all - in the case of virtualization you MUST NOT
enforce swapping if you really like perofrmance

even in 100 years there will be installations of people
having 50,80,100 or more vurtual machine son a host and
try to allocate only needed ressourcs

wasting RAM a a default is only bad in such cases

but however, since most packagers starting to move all
their temp stuff to /var/tmp we well not noitice any
changes except that you have to mount the tmp-vdisk
to /var/tmp istead /tmp

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