On 05/29/2012 03:21 AM, Vít Ondruch wrote:
Dne 29.5.2012 08:57, Matthias Runge napsal(a):
On 29/05/12 08:24, Peter Hutterer wrote:
Hi Adrian,
Drop this in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-wheel-emulation.conf and it will be
persistent. I don't think we need a separate rpm for this.
I don't think, we need a config-only package. Configuration in fedora is
IMHO left to the user. I think, this configuration snippet should be
dropped somewhere in the wiki as good example how to configure Xorg....
The other problem, I see is, that there's no (real) upstream, and esp.
no issue tracker (other than bugzilla).
1) It should work out of the box, i.e. it should be default behavior of
track point
2) I see no reason why I should drop any configuration file manually
3) If the gpointing-device-settings package would be working, I would
not need any of the above
Right, so the configuration program needs to be fixed--configuration by
installing RPMs is not the right solution. Installing config file tweaks
by hand is just a short term fix and it doesn't make it any better if
it's manual, package-based or some sort of file-fixing script.
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