I maintain package Skychart that requires Lazarus as Buildrequires.
Lazarus is currently broken in F17 and has broken functionality in
rawhide, see bug #799504 [1]. Short story is:
1. Lazarus must be updated to to work with glib2 >= 2.31 (F17
and higher)
2. Lazarus must be rebuilt against fpc 2.6 (in rawhide is already done
with lazarus, but in F17 lazarus is still broken beacuse it was
built with fpc 2.4.2)
Current lazarus maintainer seems to have no hurry to fix this problem...
I also asked him to give me commit rights in pkgdb to fix this myself
(it's just matter of upload new source and change version in spec file,
no special abilities required, I made it locally in 10 minutes), but
seems he doesn't want to do that (no response on this neither).
I cannot start the "unresponsive package maintainer" policy because the
package maintainer replied that he will do the upgrade, but when??
So what can I do other than waiting for the fix? Skychart is completely
unusable at the moment in F17 and rawhide and I cannot fix it until
Lazarus will be updated... is there something that provenpackagers can
do about this?
Thank you
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