Git post-release version-release

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My problem is about possible ways to form the version-release fields for a git post-release.. My example involves a version like 1.1.0 and a git release like 20120329git1234567
Reading [1], all examples of post-release updates are on the form 
foo-1.1.0-1.20120328git1234567.fc16. Obviously, this is one way to do it.
However, when I try to read the link carefully, I also see a possibility 
to use a version-release like foo- My 
reasoning based on the link:
- Version tags are either properly ordered or not.
- git tags like this are properly ordered (thanks to the date prefix).
- For properly ordered tags, the text explicitly says the tag can go into the version field. However, there are no such examples.
Of course, another question is why. In short, I see some minor 
advantages w r t robustness and consistency using this form. But for 
now, this is not really the focus of this question.
So, my question: Reading [1], is a version-release like 
foo- OK?
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