I can understand that is very difficult to find a resolution or its cause, but is very strange. In any moment the fan is out of control and works indipendently of the temperature. Until to the Bios formatting.
Can, for example, a kernel under testing affect the bios directly ?
2012/3/24 Reindl Harald <h.reindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Am 24.03.2012 13:42, schrieb Antonio Trande:
> Hello.there can be no generally answer
> With my Acer Aspire 6930G happen that after an indefinite time, the fan starts to work permanently regardless of
> temperature.
> In this moment, according to nvclock [1] the GPU temp is 43°C and the fan is on; strangely because it starts to
> work over 47°C all along.
> If i format the BIOS, the fan goes back to work only over 47°C.
> Infos: [2]
> I don't know if this issue depends on Fedora, but i wish understand its cause.
> Had someone a similar experience o an idea of what is it ?
yum install htop
look what prcoesses are running if this starts with high load
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Antonio Trande
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