> monstrous. Mine is too, as are bunches of other folders floating through > my home directory and system. Perhaps a simple standardized home > directory layout is in order. There is no such thing as a 'standardized homedir' > For instance: > One might have a ~/tmp into which ~/rpm/BUILD and other junk > accumulators would be linked. It would have a no-backup policy. Then > perhaps a ~/static or some such where one could put their music files, > movie rips, ~/rpm/SRPMS, random tarball downloads, fedora install tree > mirrors, or whatever else they might be hauling around that never > changes. Such a folder could (and should) have a different (lower > priority, server-wins?) sync policy than, for instance ~/Maildir (high > priority, last update wins?). > > I realize rsync exclude lists can work around more complex layouts, but > I think the idea here is to automate and simplify. In addition, I want > 2-way sync on at least some part of my home directory. Splitting it up > into a few different policies makes automated sync conflict resolution > easier. The exclude and include lists are trivial. Open nautilus window or gnome file selector box: drag out the folders you do not want to backup. And we're done. -sv