Re: H.264 in Fedora 17!

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On 20/03/12 02:23 PM, Fedora Video wrote:
Why is Mozilla doing this?  It is clear enough: Non-support of H.264 
is making them irrelevant. They've gone from the #1 browser to the #4 
directly as a result of not adopting H.264.   H.264 is the only video 
that is good enough for the web and the alternatives are just as 
patented which is why Google did not make good on their commitments to 
deploy them. Even Youtube only offers WebM on a small number of 
unpopular videos: The bandwidth demands of a full WebM deployment 
would put them out of business and would break their site on apple 
devices which don't work if WebM is offered.
WebM is actually superiour to H.264, some manufacturers already include it on their chipsets. The real issue has a lot to do with politics rather than technologies. As long governements allow corporations to decide their own way, the biggest losers are the users because of vendors lock-ins.
You could say the same thing with WMV, AAC yet they are not wildly adopted.

Luya Tshimbalanga
Graphic&  Web Designer
E: luya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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