On 02/28/2012 02:09 AM, Sérgio Basto wrote:
3 things
1- I like have help on convert:
vboxweb-service from VirtualBox on rpmfusion.
First of all this is for the rpmfusion list and was off topic for this
thread that said...
Here is a vboxweb.service that should work for if not you can read the
systemd man pages and figure out the rest.
### vboxweb.service ###
Description=VirtualBox OSE Web Service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/vboxwebsrv --pidfile /run/vboxweb.pid --background
"/etc/sysconfig/$SERVICE" was dropped since...
a) it does not exist in the package spec file
b) upstream wont accept submitted units with /etc/sysconfig/ files which
means those that still want to do this will need start carrying patches
in the form of EnvironmentFile=-/etc/sysconfig/$SERVICE against upstream
units to add this behaviour to units.
Doing so would go against our upstream mantra I believe....
c) This is no longer necessary since users really should be following [1]
2- how I do ? with systemd :
service iptables status
systemctl status iptables.service
iptables -L or for the exact initscript command that was used, run
/usr/libexec/iptables.init status
service iptables save
or for the exact initscript command that was used, run
/usr/libexec/iptables.init save
3 - we got this message on /var/log/message systemd[1]: PID
file /run/sendmail.pid not readable (yet?) after start.
What's happening here is that sendmail is daemonizes itself in a racy way.
It exits the original process before the child writes the PID file which
means that when systemd attempts to read the service's PID file, it is
not there yet.
The proper steps to daemonize a process are described and can be found
in [2]
I thing we want read /var/run/sendmail.pid , are we missing /var ?
No we are not however since [3] all path should really be pointing to
/run at this point instead of that symlink...
2. http://0pointer.de/public/systemd-man/daemon.html
3. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2011-March/150031.html
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