There are various practices around about where to install extra kernel modules, I thought I'd throw in a quick RFC about what people think is the best practice, and why. Some alternatives off the cuff: 0) Somewhere directly below /lib/modules/$uname, in a per-package subdir. 1) A suitable location below /lib/modules/$uname/kernel. 2) /lib/modules/$uname/updates, mirroring the dir structure from /lib/modules/$uname/kernel as applicable. 3) Same as 2), but s/updates/$something_else_than_updates/. 4) As long as it Just Works(tm), does not matter. 5) Insert your favourite here. Status of how things seem to be "out there" currently, based on a very brief look: - both 0 (for thinkpad) and 1 (for alsa) -, Dag, freshrpms (FC1/alsa only checked): 1 - ATrpms: 2 - CCRMA uses something that doesn't fit 100% any of the above, but I guess 2 would be the closest. My .02€ of the above: 0) Yuck, gets messy. 1) IMO shouldn't use "kernel" for stuff that is not included in kernel distributed by the kernel vendor. 2) My #1 pick as of now, maybe, depending on 3) below. 3) Is this better or worse than 2)? Dunno. Is "updates" the only dir that Just Works in earlier distro versions? Is using "updates" more or less likely to cause conflicts than "extra" or something else? Is it a bad thing to put all these extra modules to "updates", when the vast majority of them are not updates per se, but "new" modules instead (in the sense that they're not included in the vendor's kernel)? 4) I would feel more comfortable with some kind of documented guidelines or best practices, for consistency. Comments?