On Sun, 2004-09-12 at 00:18 +0100, Paul Trippett wrote: > Why not take a BSD approach and give them the option when installing the > package, say for example... > > # rpm -i vsftp....rpm > Would you like to enable Anonymous logins? (y/n) [N] > Would you like to enable Local user Logins? (y/n) [N] Because RPMs are absolutely never ever supposed to ask questions. - What if the RPM is being installed non-interactively? - What if the RPM is being installed with a GUI tool? - What if the user doesn't understand English? And then you get into the general usability problems - are the question phrased properly? Is "Y/N" an appropriate prompt? etc. Better to offer a nice GUI configuration utility and just let admins run it after the installation, or just edit the .conf file if they're of the mind.