On 09/01/12 18:11, Vít Ondruch wrote:
Dne 9.1.2012 17:44, Pierre-Yves Chibon napsal(a):
Some time ago I was speaking with Tibbs who mentioned such a tool, so I
wrote a small script this week-end called fedora-create-review. The idea
is simple:
It would be really nice if something like this could become part of
"fedpkg", so we would have just one tool for packaging.
Very valuable! Thank you!
I don't think this should belong to fedpkg. Maybe more to the great
fedora-review-tool (to make a tool/package bundling all review-related
I would like to see this packaged it sooner than later. Are you going to
do this?
Matthias Runge <mrunge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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