Re: Review swaps

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On 01/05/2012 04:31 PM, Brendan Jones wrote:
On 12/15/2011 07:14 PM, Brendan Jones wrote:
I would like to swap reviews for the following. All are very tiny so
feel free to swap 2 for one. Listed in descending priority:
lv2-ams-plugins - LV2 port of the Alsa Modular Synth modules
lv2-kn0ck0ut - An LV2 spectral subtraction plugin (linux audio)
lv2-abGate - an LV2 Noise Gate plugin

I will be able to commence reviews from next Wednesday, unless anyone
anyone responds this evening.


I've knocked one of my list but the 3 above are still outstanding. lv2 plugins are REALLY easy to review. 2 for one offer still stands, and have others ready to package.
I would like to do a review swap with you. But the package I want you to review
is not ready for review yet... I've recently gotten an ebook reader and sometimes
it is useful to edit ebooks a bit to fix them up. For this I would like to see the
ebook editor sigil: Packaged.

I found someone has already done Fedora packages in his own personal repo (which
dropped of the net shortly after because of hardware issues) and contacted him
if he wanted to maintain it as an official Fedora package. Unfortunately he has no
time for that.

But I luckily did save his srpms before his box died. So I plan to clean them up
a bit and submit them for review soon-ish. So if you're willing to review
sigil when I submit it, I'll gladly review one of your lv2 plugin submissions. No
need to do 2 for 1. sigil is not entirely trivial, so that wouldn't be fair :)

Let me know which one you want me to review.




I also maintain a whole bunch of ladspa plugins myself, I don't really use these,
but once upon a time when I had more spare time I wanted to try to get as much
as possible of planet ccrma into Fedora proper, so that is who I got to own these,
you're welcome to co-maintain these if you want :)
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