Hi everyone!
As a holiday present the Fedora Secondary Arch team for Power is proud
to announce the release of Fedora 16 on Power.
Grab it while it's fresh from here:
under releases/16/Fedora/ppc64
or directly from
We managed to squash almost all of the few remaining issues we've had
after Beta and have documented workarounds for the remaining issue we
still have in the release notes text which can be found here:
The most noticeable ones are the fixes to the radeon and the mga drivers
to work a lot better out of the box on Power now, see:
746410 [MGA_CARD_TYPE_G550] Add /lib/firmware/matrox/g400_warp.fw into
766862 Power Mac G5 locks at boot (radeon.agpmode=-1 fixes it)
Over the last months the team as well as the package maintainers put it
a fantastic effort to get everything into shape to get us to this point
where we can declare this to be a release.
We'd also like to thank everyone who has been willing to test our Alpha
and Beta versions and give us great feedback and helped to make this a
pretty solid release.
It's probably not perfect, but in the light of it being the first
release since Fedora 12 we're pretty happy with how it turned out in the
We'll also be releasing updates via the normal means in regular
intervals, just like on the primary arch, so working with Fedora 16 on
Power should give you the same experience as on Intel platforms.
For Fedora-17 we're aiming to flash out the last few minor issues we've
seen lurking around and to make sure we're as close as possible to
primary arch from a package build state.
With all that being said i'd like to wish everyone happy holidays and a
happy new year from me and the whole Fedora Secondary Arch team for Power.
See you next year!
Thanks & regards, Phil
Philipp Knirsch | Tel.: +49-711-96437-470
Supervisor Core Services | Fax.: +49-711-96437-111
Red Hat GmbH | Email: Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@xxxxxxxxxx>
Hauptstaetterstr. 58 | Web: http://www.redhat.com/
D-70178 Stuttgart, Germany
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