Re: nss_db

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On 12/14/2011 10:02 AM, Jared K. Smith wrote:
On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 9:48 AM, Przemek Klosowski
<przemek.klosowski@xxxxxxxx>  wrote:
That reminds me that you were talking to the glibc upstream about their
sometimes cavalier attitude to significant changes. How did that go? Did you
get a sense that they understood where we're coming from?
But to go back to the heart of your question -- my discussions with
upstream did *not* center on attitudes.  It focused on best practices
for effective and efficient development. And in that regard, I think
we've got as strong of a trust relationship between Fedora and the
glibc packager as I've seen in a long time.
Sorry, my wording was awkward. I was thinking about the coordination 
issue, not about emotional attitudes. I'm glad it's been addressed.
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