Re: policy-question: auto-restart of services on update

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Am 04.12.2011 12:53, schrieb Ralf Ertzinger:
> Hi.
> On Sun, 04 Dec 2011 01:24:00 +0100, Reindl Harald wrote
>> some releases ago it was no problem to do a dist-upgrade with yum
>> where all services wehre running without any interruption
> From the wiki:
> "Version updates without using anaconda - such as the yum method described
> here - is unsupported and not recommended!"
> I wonder why that might be.

well, i am fedora-user since FC5 and made more than 200 dist-upgrades per yum
the one try with pre-upgrade was a joke

anaconda is unuseable on a server because it is a OFFLINE upgrade and you
have generally no control if something goes wrong - how do you control the
grub-config before the reboot - hey you can't because it's too late

> Please look at the history of the spec files of the packages in question,
> I think you will find that most of them have been calling
> "service condrestart" or something similar during update for a long time.

and i am building most server packages by myself since a long time
because of that behavior

> httpd is actually one of those packages which have gained this rather
> recently (comparatively speaking): F10 was the first release that did it.

there are users out there for which F10 is not a so long time ago

a dist-upgrade from fc3 to fc6 via yum was a) no probkem and b) you
could restart the machine on the next day

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