Hello everyone. This is my introducing mail. 1.My leagal name Shun Fukuzawa (first name - family name) 2.Address Tokyo, Japan 3.Profeccional SE for SAP (but only businness...) 4.Company Tores Tores (small japanese company) 5.Your goals in the Fedora Project *Which packages do you want to see published? Kazehakase(Smart web browser made in Japan) http://kazehakase.sourceforge.jp/ Gimageview(Image and Vidoe viewer http://www.homa.ne.jp/~ashie/gimageview/index.html.en As possible, UIM(Universal input method) etc. *Do you want to do QA? Yes *Anything else special? I am a staff of fedora.jp(Japanese local community for Fedora Core). I want to translate documents to Japanese. 6.Historical qualifications *What other projects have you worked on in the past? I am a staff of Mozilla-Gumi(Japanese local community for Mozilla) and I conducted 5th Mozilla Party in Japan ( http://www.mozillazine.org/talkback.html?article=4504 ). And I am a document writer of Kazehakase, the web browser. Kazehakase is small opensource project. But Kazehakase is smart and excellent browser. This softwere is already included in Debian, Gentoo and other distributions. *What computer languages and other skills do you know? ABAP(for business), ruby(for private). I wrote Mozilla's manual in Japanese. 7.GPG KEYID and fingerprint gpg --fingerprint B8736A31 pub 1024D/B8736A31 2004-09-06 Shun Fukuzawa <shfukuzawa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Key fingerprint = FA8A 9BDB B1AD CAED BE5B C204 E856 03CC B873 6A31 sub 1024g/7B8BCE5C 2004-09-06 Thanks!