Dear all, (Forgive me if this list is not the right one to be asking) After successful install Fedora Core 2, and love it, I then try
to install Lao TTF OT fonts. Two years ago, I have got Lao KDE working on Mandrake
and Redthat 7.0, which involved the following steps. However, some of the
things I do might have been changed or may have not needed anymore, especially
with new Xfree86. Please help me out and thanks in advance. What I have done: Font installation (Lao ttf OT) copy *ttf to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF run 'ttmkfdir > fonts.scale' run 'mkfontdir' run 'xset ft rehash' I wasn’t able to run 'xftcache' run 'setxkbmap -v lo –option grp:alt_toggle_shift ' After finished these steps, I then checked to see if the
keyboard layout for Lao is selected, it was. I also checked to see if my ttf
fonts I installed were being selected or not, there weren’t any. 1) Any other file(s) or anything I need to tweak? 2) Where are default fonts? Cheers, Anousak Souphavanh Malcolm Gladwell's "Tipping Point: How small things can make a big difference" |