Hey folks, I just posted yum 2.1.3 to: http://linux.duke.edu/projects/yum/download/2.1/ This one needs some abusing. I made a bunch of changes to the depsolver to resolve some problems that testing against rawhide has shown. I think I've gotten most of them ironed out but I need more people to do more and bizarre things with it to tell, completely. If you find some behavior on an update/install/erase that you think is incorrect run the same command with -d 5 and post the output to either: http://devel.linux.duke.edu/bugzilla/ or http://bugzilla.redhat.com so I can get debugging info to solve the problems. I especially want more tests on multilib machines. I've tested it on my x86 and x86_64 boxes quite a bit but there is always someone whose configuration is significantly more weird. :) Thanks! -sv