Hey, folks. So, as most of you probably know, one of the big bugs that's been holding up the Beta is https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=738964 - various issues related to bootloader installation with the wrinkles of grub2 and GPT disk labels. There are now not one but *two* updates images with test fixes for the bugs: http://dlehman.fedorapeople.org/updates-738964.6.img http://dlehman.fedorapeople.org/updates-738964.6-nohammer.img The second one improves the anaconda code which excludes the device anaconda is being installed from (particularly if it's a USB stick) from consideration as an install or bootloader target device, and also tries much harder to honor the user's choice of the device where the bootloader should be installed on all the non-custom-partitioning paths. Just these two fixes should address the most urgent cases of this bug. The first one also tries to create a BIOS boot partition on any GPT labelled disk present - whether formatted by anaconda or not - which has enough free space and which does not currently have one, if the system is BIOS-based. This should act as a 'big hammer' to make sure you can pretty much always install the bootloader wherever you like, but obviously it's a pretty big and possibly problematic change. We really need testing with both images, to establish a couple of things: 1) if you've had problems with the bootloader installing somewhere you didn't expect in Beta RC1 and previous builds, please test whether your issue is fixed (it's best if you can test with each updates.img and report on both, but if you can only test one, that's fine too) 2) if either image has bugs that don't exist in Beta RC1: as much testing as possible, with any kind of installation, is useful here. Just try an install with either updates.img, and if you hit a problem, confirm that it doesn't exist in Beta RC1, and add a comment to 738964. Particularly interesting configurations would be installing to a system which already has one completely full GPT-labelled disk that you choose not to reformat, installing to a system with an existing GPT-labelled disk with a BIOS boot partition that you choose not to reformat, installing to a system with an existing GPT-labelled disk *without* a BIOS boot partition that you choose not to reformat, and any kind of installation at all with multiple disks (hard disks or USB sticks) connected during install - no matter which of the disks you choose to use or not use, and installs from both DVD and live written to a USB stick. Note that we expect the -nohammer version to still be 'buggy' in the case where you choose manual partitioning with multiple disks present and do not create a BIOS boot partition on the target disk; it won't create one for you or require you to create one, and when you get to the bootloader location choice (which comes later in custom partitioning than in other paths), the target drive's MBR will not be an available install location. The 'hammer' version should 'fix' this case. To use an updates.img, just pass the updates= parameter to the kernel when booting. So boot with Beta RC1, hit 'tab' at the bootloader screen, and type 'updates=http://dlehman.fedorapeople.org/updates-738964.6.img' or 'updates=http://dlehman.fedorapeople.org/updates-738964.6-nohammer.img' and then proceed to install as normal. This works for both the regular and live installers. Thanks everyone! We really need to get testing data in and do an anaconda build today so we can get RC2 out tonight. -- Adam Williamson Fedora QA Community Monkey IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora http://www.happyassassin.net _______________________________________________ test-announce mailing list test-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/test-announce -- devel mailing list devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel