Unfortunately, the size of Fedora's boot image is too large to fit on a floppy. If you're like me and don't have a CD burner handy, but also can't boot off a USB drive, you can still boot the install image from your hard drive. As trivial as the process is, it took me a while to figure out that it was an option. I'll explain it here to save others headache of coming up with a way to install without having to burn any CDs. Luckily you're already running FC1, right? And you already have grub installed, right? Perfect. Just tell grub to boot the kernel provided for USB drives (using the appropriate ramdisk image) and you're done. Here's a simple command sequence. Note that this isn't for the novice. If anything below doesn't look familiar, don't do it. cd iso_dir mkdir mnt1 mnt2 mount -o loop FC2-i386-disc1.iso mnt1 mnt -o loop mnt1/images/diskboot.img mnt2 mkdir /boot/fc2inst cp mnt2/vmlinuz mnt2/initrd.img /boot/fc2inst umount mnt2 umount mnt1 rmdir mnt1 mnt2 reboot When GRUB comes up, hit 'c' to bring up a command prompt... GRUB> kernel /fc2inst/vmlinuz ramdisk_size=8192 GRUB> initrd /fc2inst/initrd.img GRUB> boot If you did it right, it should boot and run anaconda. You can specify additional kernel parameters if you want to, like the location of your kickstart file. Obviously your file paths may vary (for example, depending on whether you use a boot partition or not), but this should give you an idea of the basic process. Adapt it to your own situation.