[ACTION REQUIRED v2] Retiring packages in F-16

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Each release, before branching, we block currently orphaned packages.
It's that time again for Fedora 16.

New this go-round is that we are also blocking packages that have
failed to build since before Fedora 14.

The following packages are currently orphaned, or fail to build. If
you have a need for one of these packages, please pick them up.

This list has been fixed to properly show all orphaned packages. It's
a lot longer.

Orphan Ajaxterm
Orphan CodeAnalyst-gui
Orphan EmfEngine
Orphan Perlbal
Orphan QTeXEngine
Orphan TVAnytimeAPI
Orphan agave
Orphan anyterm
Orphan automake15
Orphan automake16
Orphan backport-util-concurrent
	comaintained by: akurtakov
Orphan bangarang
Orphan basket
Orphan bespin
	comaintained by: rdieter
Orphan blokkal
Orphan brandy
Orphan buffer
Orphan camcardsync
Orphan cdo
Orphan cgoban
Orphan ciso
Orphan clex
Orphan cmospwd
Orphan cnetworkmanager
Orphan comoonics-base-py
	comaintained by: elcody02
Orphan compizconfig-backend-kconfig
	comaintained by: izhar
Orphan contacts
	comaintained by: pbrobinson
Orphan contextkit
	comaintained by: jreznik
Orphan cowbell
Orphan cssed
Orphan ctapi-cyberjack
Orphan ctrlproxy
	comaintained by: bernie
Orphan cwrite
Orphan db4o
Orphan decibel-audio-player
	comaintained by: rakesh
Orphan diffpdf
Orphan drbd
Orphan ds9
	comaintained by: mmahut
Orphan e_dbus
Orphan edje
Orphan eet
Orphan efreet
Orphan elfinfo
	comaintained by: paragn
Orphan embryo
Orphan enlightenment
Orphan epeg
Orphan etherape
Orphan evas
Orphan evolution-sharp
	comaintained by: mbarnes
Orphan fcitx
	comaintained by: liangsuilong
Orphan felix-osgi-core
Orphan felix-osgi-obr
Orphan fig2sxd
Orphan fping
Orphan fsvs
	comaintained by: wolfy
Orphan funtools
Orphan fvwm
	comaintained by: pertusus
Orphan fxload
Orphan gbirthday
Orphan gdeskcal
Orphan gdesklets-goodweather
	comaintained by: luya
Orphan gdesklets-quote-of-the-day
	comaintained by: luya
Orphan glite-security-trustmanager
Orphan glite-security-util-java
Orphan gnome-applet-bubblemon
	comaintained by: cwickert
Orphan gnome-applet-cpufire
	comaintained by: edwintb
Orphan gnome-applet-timer
Orphan gnome-applet-window-picker
Orphan gnome-do-plugins
Orphan gnome-globalmenu
Orphan gnome-launch-box
Orphan gnome-netstatus
Orphan gnome-rdp
Orphan gnome-schedule
Orphan gnome-themes-extras
Orphan gnome-vfsmm26
Orphan gnubiff
Orphan gnusim8085
	comaintained by: chitlesh
Orphan gpar2
Orphan gpointing-device-settings
Orphan gquilt
	comaintained by: sundaram
Orphan grantlee
	comaintained by: than
Orphan granule
Orphan greadelf
	comaintained by: paragn
Orphan griv
Orphan gtkhtml2
Orphan gtranslator
	comaintained by: tbzatek
Orphan gts
Orphan guile-gnome-platform
Orphan gurlchecker
Orphan gwaei
Orphan gwave
	comaintained by: tnorth
Orphan halibut
Orphan harminv
Orphan healpy
Orphan htmldoc
	comaintained by: pertusus
Orphan igraph
Orphan imagej
Orphan imgtarget
Orphan initng
Orphan initng-conf-gtk
Orphan initng-ifiles
Orphan inotail
Orphan ip6sic
Orphan irda-utils
Orphan isic
Orphan itpp
Orphan javacc
Orphan javacc-maven-plugin
Orphan jcalendar
Orphan jdepend
Orphan jflex
Orphan jomolhari-fonts
Orphan jrefactory
Orphan kanjistrokeorders-fonts
Orphan kazehakase
Orphan kdetv
Orphan kdocker
Orphan kgtk
Orphan klibido
Orphan knutclient
Orphan l2fprod-common
Orphan labyrinth
Orphan libassa
Orphan libassuan1
Orphan libcmpiutil
	comaintained by: veillard
Orphan libctl
Orphan libdwarf
Orphan libeina
Orphan libepc
Orphan libglfw
Orphan libgnomecanvasmm26
Orphan libgnomemm26
Orphan libgnomeuimm26
Orphan libhildon
Orphan libibverbs
	comaintained by: deji
Orphan liblicense
	comaintained by: ausil
Orphan libmlx4
	comaintained by: dledford
Orphan libmthca
Orphan libopensync-plugin-kdepim
Orphan liborigin2
Orphan libsoup22
Orphan libsysactivity
Orphan libvirt-cim
	comaintained by: veillard
Orphan libvisual-plugins
Orphan libwps
Orphan link-grammar
Orphan linuxdcpp
Orphan loudmouth
	comaintained by: tjikkun otaylor
Orphan lwp
	comaintained by: nhorman
Orphan madwimax
Orphan man-pages-es
Orphan maximus
Orphan me-tv
Orphan metacafe-dl
Orphan midisport-firmware
Orphan mingw32-physfs
	comaintained by: rjones
Orphan minicom
	comaintained by: jcapik
Orphan moin-latex
Orphan monotorrent
	comaintained by: dnielsen
Orphan moto4lin
Orphan mrepo
Orphan multiget
Orphan mumbles
Orphan mx
	comaintained by: dnovotny
Orphan nabi
Orphan nachocalendar
Orphan netsniff-ng
	comaintained by: fab
Orphan notecase
Orphan ocfs2-tools
	comaintained by: fabbione
Orphan onboard
Orphan opensaml
Orphan osiv
Orphan ots
Orphan pcmanx-gtk2
Orphan perl-Danga-Socket
Orphan perl-Gearman
Orphan perl-Gearman-Client-Async
Orphan perl-Gearman-Server
Orphan perl-MogileFS-Client
Orphan perl-MogileFS-Utils
Orphan perl-Perlbal-XS-HTTPHeaders
Orphan perl-Sys-Syscall
Orphan perl-mogilefs-server
Orphan pgRouting
Orphan phoronix-test-suite
Orphan php-suhosin
Orphan picocom
	comaintained by: kevin
Orphan picturetile
Orphan pigment
Orphan polipo
Orphan postgresql-pgpool-ha
Orphan presto
Orphan procbench
Orphan proxychains
Orphan pyorbit
Orphan python-Chaco
Orphan python-Enable
Orphan python-TraitsBackendWX
Orphan python-igraph
Orphan python-mechanoid
Orphan python-pydns
Orphan python-pyspf
Orphan python-rabbyt
Orphan python-tilecache
Orphan pyxmms
Orphan qct
Orphan qgo
Orphan qps
Orphan qtcurve-kde4
	comaintained by: rdieter hein
Orphan qtiplot
Orphan quazip
Orphan qwit
Orphan ranpwd
Orphan rinputd
Orphan root-tail
Orphan rpc2
	comaintained by: nhorman
Orphan ruby-bdb
Orphan rubygem-cobbler
Orphan rubygem-rcov
Orphan rubyripper
Orphan rvm
	comaintained by: nhorman
Orphan scantailor
Orphan scidavis
Orphan scitools
Orphan scribes
Orphan scribes-templates
Orphan scrip
Orphan secstate
Orphan seedit
Orphan sentinella
Orphan slim
	comaintained by: pertusus
Orphan smb4k
Orphan spyder
	comaintained by: rnovacek
Orphan ss5
	comaintained by: itamarjp
Orphan starlab
	comaintained by: mmahut
Orphan straw
Orphan struts
Orphan subtitlecomposer
Orphan sunbird
	comaintained by: huzaifas mmahut
Orphan sx
Orphan tango-icon-theme
Orphan tango-icon-theme-extras
Orphan tcptrack
Orphan tenr-de-styles-pkg
Orphan tibetan-machine-uni-fonts
Orphan tilda
	comaintained by: laxathom
Orphan tinycdb
Orphan tkimg
Orphan tla
	comaintained by: jzeleny
Orphan tokyotyrant
	comaintained by: deji
Orphan torium
Orphan uClibc
	comaintained by: varekova vda
Orphan userspace-rcu
Orphan viaideinfo
Orphan vidalia
Orphan vor
Orphan wcstools
	comaintained by: mmahut
Orphan whowatch
Orphan wifiroamd
Orphan wsmancli
Orphan xdaliclock
Orphan xdx
Orphan xine-ui
Orphan xinha
Orphan xmltooling
Orphan xmms
Orphan xmms-alarm
Orphan xmms-modplug
Orphan xpa
Orphan xpp2
	comaintained by: dbhole
Orphan xqf
Orphan xqilla
Orphan xsri
Orphan xtvd
Orphan xvkbd

List of deps left behind by orphan removal:

Orphan: Perlbal
    perl-mogilefs-server requires perl(Perlbal) = 1.78

Orphan: anyterm
    ovirt-node requires anyterm = 1.1.29-9.fc15

Orphan: automake16
    sinjdoc requires automake16 = 1.6.3-18.fc13.1

Orphan: backport-util-concurrent
    maven-artifact-manager requires backport-util-concurrent = 3.1-6
    maven2 requires backport-util-concurrent = 3.1-6

Orphan: comoonics-base-py
    comoonics-cdsl-py requires comoonics-base-py = 0.1-5
    comoonics-cluster-py requires comoonics-base-py = 0.1-5

Orphan: eet
    ecore requires eet-devel = 1.4.0-2.fc15
    ecore-devel requires eet-devel = 1.4.0-2.fc15
    qedje requires libeet.so.1
    qedje requires eet-devel = 1.4.0-2.fc15
    qedje-devel requires eet-devel = 1.4.0-2.fc15
    qedje-python requires libeet.so.1

Orphan: evas
    ecore requires evas-devel = 1.0.0-2.fc15
    ecore requires libevas.so.1
    ecore-devel requires pkgconfig(evas) = 1.0.0
    ecore-devel requires evas-devel = 1.0.0-2.fc15

Orphan: evolution-sharp
    tasque requires evolution-sharp = 0.21.1-14.fc16
    tasque requires evolution-sharp-devel = 0.21.1-14.fc16
    tasque requires mono(evolution-sharp) =

Orphan: felix-osgi-core
    bindex requires felix-osgi-core = 1.4.0-7.fc16
    felix-framework requires felix-osgi-core = 1.4.0-7.fc16
    felix-main requires felix-osgi-core = 1.4.0-7.fc16
    felix-osgi-compendium requires felix-osgi-core = 1.4.0-7.fc16
    felix-shell requires felix-osgi-core = 1.4.0-7.fc16
    geronimo-osgi-support requires felix-osgi-core = 1.4.0-7.fc16
    h2 requires felix-osgi-core = 1.4.0-7.fc16
    netbeans-platform requires felix-osgi-core = 1.4.0-7.fc16
    xbean requires felix-osgi-core = 1.4.0-7.fc16

Orphan: felix-osgi-obr
    bindex requires felix-osgi-obr = 1.0.2-4.fc15
    maven-plugin-bundle requires felix-osgi-obr = 1.0.2-4.fc15

Orphan: fping
    mon requires fping = 2.4b2-11.fc15
    nagios-plugins requires /usr/sbin/fping
    nagios-plugins-fping requires /usr/sbin/fping
    smokeping requires fping = 2.4b2-11.fc15
    zabbix-proxy requires fping = 2.4b2-11.fc15
    zabbix-server requires fping = 2.4b2-11.fc15

Orphan: fxload
    alsa-tools-firmware requires fxload = 2002_04_11-10.fc15

Orphan: gnome-vfsmm26
    assogiate requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1
    assogiate requires gnome-vfsmm26-devel = 2.26.0-2.fc15
    gcdmaster requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1
    referencer requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1

Orphan: grantlee
    kdelibs requires grantlee-devel = 0.1.6-2.fc15
    kdepim requires libgrantlee_core.so.0
    kdepim requires libgrantlee_gui.so.0
    kdepim requires grantlee-devel = 0.1.6-2.fc15
    kdepim-libs requires libgrantlee_core.so.0

Orphan: gtkhtml2
    claws-mail-plugins requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15
    gimp requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15
    gnome-python2-extras requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15
    gnome-python2-gtkhtml2 requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0
    gnome-python2-gtkhtml2 requires gtkhtml2 = 2.11.1-11.fc15
    gphpedit requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0
    gphpedit requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15
    gyachi requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0
    gyachi requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15
    osmo requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0
    osmo requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15
    ruby-gnome2 requires gtkhtml2-devel = 2.11.1-11.fc15
    ruby-gtkhtml2 requires libgtkhtml-2.so.0

Orphan: gts
    k3d requires gts-devel = 0.7.6-15.fc15
    k3d requires libgts-0.7.so.5

Orphan: gwave
    emacs-spice-mode requires gwave = 2-18.20090213snap.fc13
    gspiceui requires gwave = 2-18.20090213snap.fc13

Orphan: halibut
    putty requires halibut = 1.0-2.20100504svn8934.fc14

Orphan: htmldoc
    LabPlot requires htmldoc = 1.8.27-15.fc16
    chm2pdf requires htmldoc = 1.8.27-15.fc16
    diveintopython requires htmldoc = 1.8.27-15.fc16
    mathomatic requires htmldoc = 1.8.27-15.fc16
    mlton requires htmldoc = 1.8.27-15.fc16
    openvas-client requires htmldoc = 1.8.27-15.fc16
    virtuoso-opensource requires htmldoc = 1.8.27-15.fc16

Orphan: javacc
    clapham requires javacc = 5.0-4.fc15
    derby requires javacc = 5.0-4.fc15
    eclipse-slide requires javacc = 5.0-4.fc15
    eclipse-veditor requires javacc = 5.0-4.fc15
    freemarker requires javacc = 5.0-4.fc15
    gooddata-cl requires javacc = 5.0-4.fc15
    gridengine requires javacc = 5.0-4.fc15
    jing-trang requires javacc = 5.0-4.fc15
    lucene requires javacc = 5.0-4.fc15
    opengrok requires javacc = 5.0-4.fc15
    xdoclet requires javacc = 5.0-4.fc15
    xjavadoc requires javacc = 5.0-4.fc15

Orphan: javacc-maven-plugin
    apache-commons-jexl requires javacc-maven-plugin = 2.6-7.fc15
    apache-mime4j requires javacc-maven-plugin = 2.6-7.fc15
    cssparser requires javacc-maven-plugin = 2.6-7.fc15
    gooddata-cl requires javacc-maven-plugin = 2.6-7.fc15

Orphan: jdepend
    ant requires jdepend = 2.9.1-4.fc16
    ant-jdepend requires jdepend = 2.9.1-4.fc16
    findbugs requires jdepend = 2.9.1-4.fc16

Orphan: jflex
    java_cup requires jflex = 1.4.3-5.fc15
    maven-jflex-plugin requires jflex = 1.4.3-5.fc15
    opengrok requires jflex = 1.4.3-5.fc15
    qdox requires jflex = 1.4.3-5.fc15
    weka requires jflex = 1.4.3-5.fc15

Orphan: jomolhari-fonts
    libreoffice-langpack-dz requires font(:lang=dz)

Orphan: jrefactory
    xdoclet requires jrefactory = 2.9.19-3.fc15
    xjavadoc requires jrefactory = 2.9.19-3.fc15

Orphan: libeina
    ecore requires libeina.so.1
    ecore requires libeina-devel = 1.0.0-2.fc15
    ecore-devel requires pkgconfig(eina) = 1.0.0

Orphan: libepc
    glom requires libepc-1.0.so.2
    glom requires libepc-devel = 0.3.11-2.fc15
    glom-libs requires libepc-1.0.so.2
    totem requires libepc-devel = 0.3.11-2.fc15
    totem-publish requires libepc-1.0.so.2
    totem-publish requires libepc-ui-1.0.so.2

Orphan: libglfw
    hosts3d requires libglfw.so.2.6
    hosts3d requires libglfw-devel = 2.6-6.fc15
    hosts3d-sampler requires libglfw.so.2.6
    taoframework-glfw requires libglfw = 2.6-6.fc15

Orphan: libgnomecanvasmm26
    ardour requires libgnomecanvasmm26-devel = 2.26.0-3.fc15
    ardour requires libgnomecanvasmm-2.6.so.1
    flowcanvas requires libgnomecanvasmm26-devel = 2.26.0-3.fc15
    flowcanvas requires libgnomecanvasmm-2.6.so.1
    flowcanvas-devel requires libgnomecanvasmm26-devel = 2.26.0-3.fc15
    gcdmaster requires libgnomecanvasmm-2.6.so.1
    referencer requires libgnomecanvasmm-2.6.so.1

Orphan: libgnomemm26
    gcdmaster requires libgnomemm-2.6.so.1
    referencer requires libgnomemm-2.6.so.1

Orphan: libgnomeuimm26
    cdrdao requires libgnomeuimm26-devel = 2.28.0-2.fc15
    gcdmaster requires libgnomeuimm-2.6.so.1
    referencer requires libgnomeuimm-2.6.so.1
    referencer requires libgnomeuimm26-devel = 2.28.0-2.fc15

Orphan: libibverbs
    corosync requires libibverbs-devel = 1.1.3-5.fc15
    corosynclib requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.0)
    corosynclib requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.1)
    corosynclib requires libibverbs.so.1
    glusterfs requires libibverbs-devel = 1.1.3-5.fc15
    glusterfs-rdma requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.0)
    glusterfs-rdma requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.1)
    glusterfs-rdma requires libibverbs.so.1
    libcxgb3 requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.0)
    libcxgb3 requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.1)
    libcxgb3 requires libibverbs.so.1
    libcxgb3 requires libibverbs-devel = 1.1.3-5.fc15
    libibcm requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.0)
    libibcm requires libibverbs.so.1
    libibcm requires libibverbs-devel = 1.1.3-5.fc15
    libibcm-devel requires libibverbs-devel = 1.1.3-5.fc15
    librdmacm requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.0)
    librdmacm requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.1)
    librdmacm requires libibverbs.so.1
    librdmacm requires libibverbs-devel = 1.1.3-5.fc15
    librdmacm-devel requires libibverbs-devel(x86-32) = 1.1.3-5.fc15
    librdmacm-utils requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.0)
    librdmacm-utils requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.1)
    librdmacm-utils requires libibverbs.so.1
    openmpi requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.0)
    openmpi requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.1)
    openmpi requires libibverbs.so.1
    openmpi requires libibverbs-devel = 1.1.3-5.fc15
    qpid-cpp requires libibverbs-devel = 1.1.3-5.fc15
    qpid-cpp-client-rdma requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.0)
    qpid-cpp-client-rdma requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.1)
    qpid-cpp-client-rdma requires libibverbs.so.1
    qpid-cpp-server-rdma requires libibverbs.so.1
    scsi-target-utils requires libibverbs.so.1(IBVERBS_1.1)
    scsi-target-utils requires libibverbs.so.1
    scsi-target-utils requires libibverbs-devel = 1.1.3-5.fc15

Orphan: libsoup22
    buoh requires libsoup-2.2.so.8
    buoh requires libsoup22-devel = 2.2.105-9.fc15
    libopensync-plugin-syncml requires libsoup22-devel = 2.2.105-9.fc15
    libsyncml requires libsoup-2.2.so.8
    libsyncml requires libsoup22-devel = 2.2.105-9.fc15

Orphan: libwps
    libreoffice requires libwps-devel = 0.2.0-3.fc16
    libreoffice-writer requires libwps-0.2.so.2

Orphan: link-grammar
    abiword requires link-grammar-devel = 4.6.7-3.fc14
    libabiword requires liblink-grammar.so.4
    libabiword requires link-grammar = 4.6.7-3.fc14

Orphan: loudmouth
    abiword requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15
    amarok requires libloudmouth-1.so.0
    amarok requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15
    callweaver requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15
    callweaver-jabber requires libloudmouth-1.so.0
    freetalk requires libloudmouth-1.so.0
    freetalk requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15
    irssi-xmpp requires libloudmouth-1.so.0
    irssi-xmpp requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15
    irssi-xmpp requires loudmouth = 1.4.3-8.fc15
    libabiword requires libloudmouth-1.so.0
    mcabber requires libloudmouth-1.so.0
    mcabber requires loudmouth-devel = 1.4.3-8.fc15
    mcabber-devel requires pkgconfig(loudmouth-1.0) = 1.4.3

Orphan: lwp
    coda requires lwp-devel = 2.6-2.fc15
    coda-backup requires liblwp.so.2
    coda-client requires liblwp.so.2
    coda-server requires liblwp.so.2

Orphan: monotorrent
    monsoon requires monotorrent-devel = 0.80-5.fc15

Orphan: mx
    gnue-common requires mx = 3.1.1-7.fc15
    gnumed-server requires mx = 3.1.1-7.fc15
    gwibber requires mx = 3.1.1-7.fc15
    lekhonee requires mx = 3.1.1-7.fc15
    python-logilab-common requires mx = 3.1.1-7.fc15
    python-psycopg requires mx-devel = 3.1.1-7.fc15
    python-psycopg requires mx = 3.1.1-7.fc15
    smolt-server requires mx = 3.1.1-7.fc15
    tryton requires mx = 3.1.1-7.fc15
    trytond requires mx = 3.1.1-7.fc15

Orphan: ots
    abiword requires ots-devel = 0.5.0-4.fc15
    libabiword requires libots-1.so.0

Orphan: perl-Gearman-Client-Async
    perl-mogilefs-server requires perl(Gearman::Client::Async) = 0.94

Orphan: perl-Gearman-Server
    perl-mogilefs-server requires perl(Gearman::Server) = 1.11

Orphan: perl-MogileFS-Client
    perl-mogilefs-server requires perl(MogileFS::Client) = 1.14

Orphan: perl-MogileFS-Utils
    perl-mogilefs-server requires perl(MogileFS::Utils) = 2.19

Orphan: pigment
    pigment-python requires libpigment-imaging-0.3.so.11
    pigment-python requires pigment-devel = 0.3.17-3.fc12
    pigment-python requires libpigment-gtk-0.3.so.11
    pigment-python requires libpigment-0.3.so.11
    pigment-python requires pigment = 0.3.17-3.fc12

Orphan: pyorbit
    at-spi-python requires pyorbit = 2.24.0-8.fc15
    gdesklets requires pyorbit-devel = 2.24.0-8.fc15
    gnome-python2 requires pyorbit-devel = 2.24.0-8.fc15
    gnome-python2-bonobo requires pyorbit = 2.24.0-8.fc15
    orca requires pyorbit-devel = 2.24.0-8.fc15

Orphan: quazip
    GLC_lib requires libquazip.so.1
    GLC_lib requires quazip-devel = 0.3-3.fc15
    freemedforms requires quazip-devel = 0.3-3.fc15

Orphan: rpc2
    coda requires rpc2-devel = 2.10-2.fc15
    coda-backup requires libse.so.5
    coda-backup requires librpc2.so.5
    coda-client requires libse.so.5
    coda-client requires librpc2.so.5
    coda-server requires libse.so.5
    coda-server requires librpc2.so.5

Orphan: rubygem-cobbler
    ovirt-server requires rubygem(cobbler) = 1.6.1

Orphan: rubygem-rcov
    rubygem-amazon-ec2 requires rubygem(rcov) = 0.9.8
    rubygem-rake-compiler requires rubygem(rcov) = 0.9.8
    rubygem-xmpp4r-simple requires rubygem(rcov) = 0.9.8

Orphan: rvm
    coda requires rvm-devel = 1.17-3.fc15
    coda requires rvm-tools = 1.17-3.fc15
    coda-client requires librvmlwp.so.1
    coda-client requires librdslwp.so.1
    coda-client requires libseglwp.so.1
    coda-server requires librvmlwp.so.1
    coda-server requires librdslwp.so.1
    coda-server requires libseglwp.so.1
    coda-server requires rvm-tools = 1.17-3.fc15

Orphan: struts
    tomcat5 requires struts = 1.2.9-10.fc16
    tomcat5-admin-webapps requires struts = 1.2.9-10.fc16
    xdoclet requires struts = 1.2.9-10.fc16

Orphan: sunbird
    mozilla-firetray-sunbird requires sunbird = 1.0-0.33.b2pre.fc15

Orphan: tango-icon-theme
    gnome-theme-curvylooks requires tango-icon-theme = 0.8.90-4.fc15

Orphan: tibetan-machine-uni-fonts
    libreoffice-langpack-dz requires font(:lang=dz)

Orphan: tkimg
    coccinella requires tkimg = 1.4-3.fc16
    gpsman requires tkimg = 1.4-3.fc16
    mcu8051ide requires tkimg = 1.4-3.fc16
    tkabber requires tkimg = 1.4-3.fc16

Orphan: tla
    git-arch requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12
    perl-Test-AutoBuild requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12
    perl-Test-AutoBuild-tla requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12
    python-vcpx requires tla = 1.3.5-8.fc12

Orphan: uClibc
    busybox requires uClibc-static = 0.9.32-0.2.rc2.fc15

Orphan: xmms
    logjam requires xmms-devel = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    logjam-xmms requires xmms = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    logjam-xmms requires libxmms.so.1
    purple-plugin_pack requires xmms-devel = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    purple-plugin_pack-pidgin-xmms requires libxmms.so.1
    xmms-acme requires xmms-devel = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-acme requires xmms = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-acme requires libxmms.so.1
    xmms-adplug requires xmms-devel = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-adplug requires libxmms.so.1
    xmms-arts requires xmms-devel = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-arts requires xmms-libs = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-crossfade requires xmms-devel = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-crossfade requires xmms = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-flac requires xmms-devel = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-flac requires libxmms.so.1
    xmms-lirc requires xmms-devel = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-lirc requires xmms = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-musepack requires xmms-devel = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-musepack requires libxmms.so.1
    xmms-pulse requires xmms-devel = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-pulse requires libxmms.so.1
    xmms-scrobbler requires xmms-devel = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-scrobbler requires xmms = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-speex requires xmms-devel = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-speex requires libxmms.so.1
    xmms-xmp requires xmms = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmms-xmp requires libxmms.so.1
    xmms-xosd requires xmms = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmmsctrl requires xmms-devel = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmmsctrl requires xmms = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xmmsctrl requires libxmms.so.1
    xmp requires xmms-devel = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15
    xosd requires xmms-devel = 1:1.2.11-12.20071117cvs.fc15

Orphan: xpp2
    dom4j requires xpp2 = 2.1.10-9.3.fc15

Orphan: xqilla
    qpid-cpp requires xqilla-devel = 2.2.4-1.fc16
    qpid-cpp-server-xml requires libxqilla.so.5
    qpid-cpp-server-xml requires xqilla = 2.2.4-1.fc16

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