I'm inclined to think that the tmscsim module works as well as at least one other module included in the Fedora kernel. I swapped out my Tekram adapter for an Adaptec AHA-7850 and am seeing exactly the same problems ripping CDs. To summarize: 1) The CD ROM drive shows up in everything (except /proc/scsi/scsi) as "Unknown CD Drive" 2) Ripping from it in any program other than cdrdao doesn't work. Even with the sg module loaded, the drives aren't seen by it. It must be possible to rip from these drives, but I certainly can't figure out how w/o sg. Are more/different patches for cdparanoia needed to handle this? It sucks because the only reason I have the SCSI card at all is for my Plextor CD-ROM drive which *still* rips 10 times faster than even the fastest IDE CD drive I've found (and it's almost 8 years old). It's a lot better with the 2.6 kernel than it was with 2.4, but is still significantly slower than the SCSI drive. Using strace on cdparanoia and cdda2wav, it appears as though they both fail when attempting to open the "sg" device O_RDWR|O_EXCL whereas cdrdao only ever opens it O_READ|O_EXCL. Don't know if that helps at all, but there it is. -- --Shahms