Below are the of packages which have outstanding FTBFS bugs from earlier Fedora releases. I've split them up by their 'dist' tag which shows when they were last successfully built. I recommend and propose to FESCo that all non-building packages with Fedora 12 and 13 dist tags be considered for dropping prior to branching Fedora 16. Since Fedora 12: ---------------- gnome-do-plugins-0.8.2-1.fc12 [u'599889 NEW'] (build/make) nushio,antiaircraft guile-gnome-platform-2.16.1-4.fc12 [u'599864 NEW'] (build/make) laxathom imgtarget-0.1.4-4.fc12 [u'599895 NEW'] (build/make) grof kanatest-0.4.8-3.fc12 [u'631023 NEW'] (build/make) robmv kdetv-0.8.9-13.fc12 [u'631359 NEW'] (build/make) subhodip kpolynome-0.1.2-15.fc12 [u'599875 NEW'] (build/make) chitlesh ktechlab-0.3.70-3.20090304svn.fc12 [u'631203 NEW'] (build/make) chitlesh libctl-3.0.2-10.fc12 [u'599894 NEW'] (missing_DSO_to_linker__ edhill,deji libopensync-plugin-kdepim-0.22-6.fc12 [u'599881 NEW'] (build/make) awjb multiget-1.2.0-7.fc12 [u'631052 NEW'] (build/make) guidoledermann,mtasaka netgo-0.5-12.fc12 [u'631087 NEW'] (build/make) spot notecase-1.6.1-6.fc12 [u'631448 NEW'] (missing_DSO_to_linker__ bouska photoprint-0.4.0-7.fc12 [u'599755 NEW'] (build/make) grof pigment-0.3.17-3.fc12 [u'599828 NEW'] (build/make) thias postgresql-pgpool-ha-1.1.0-8.fc12 [u'599834 NEW'] (build/make) devrim qgo-1.5.4r2-3.fc12 [u'631091 NEW'] (build/make) orphan qucs-0.0.15-4.fc12 [u'631404 NEW'] (build/make) tanguy rubygem-cobbler-1.6.1-1.fc12 [u'599799 NEW'] (unpackaged_files/python-egg-info?) jeckersb starlab-4.4.3-7.fc12 [u'599988 ASSIGNED'] (build/make) lkundrak,mmahut subtitlecomposer-0.5.3-3.fc12 [u'599833 NEW'] (build/make) tuxbrewr xdx-2.4.1-3.fc12 [u'599818 NEW'] (build/make) bjensen,sindrepb xsri-2.1.0-17.fc12 [u'599802 NEW'] (build/make) ssp Since Fedora 13: ---------------- automake15-1.5-29.fc13.1 [u'631216 NEW'] (build/make) karsten automake16-1.6.3-18.fc13.1 [u'631215 NEW'] (build/make) karsten db4o-7.4-2.fc13 [u'631066 NEW'] (build/make) pfj fsvs-1.2.1-1.fc13 [u'631437 NEW'] (build/make) davidf,wolfy gpar2-0.3-9.fc13 [u'631134 NEW'] (build/make) drago01 gwave-2-18.20090213snap.fc13 [u'599862 NEW'] (missing_DSO_to_linker__ chitlesh,tnorth klibido-0.2.5-13.fc13 [u'631410 NEW'] (build/make) faucamp linbox-1.1.7-0.2.svn3214.fc13 [u'631173 NEW'] (build/make) jjames Since Fedora 14: ---------------- agave-0.4.7-1.fc14 [u'631411 NEW'] (build/make) bonii gnusim8085-1.3.6-1.fc14 [u'631067 NEW'] (build/make) sherry151,chitlesh kazehakase-0.5.8-9.svn3873_trunk.fc14 [u'631305 NEW'] (build/make) mtasaka link-grammar-4.6.7-3.fc14 [u'599978 NEW'] (build/make) uwog rubygem-rcov-0.9.8-1.fc14 [u'631350 NEW'] (build/make) mmorsi tilda-0.9.6-4.fc14 [u'631372 NEW'] (build/make) laxathom Since Fedora 15: ---------------- cone-0.84-1.fc15 [u'631345 ON_QA'] (build/make) steve gtkdatabox- [u'631349 NEW'] (build/make) ework kadu- [u'599796 NEW'] (build/make) radekl,gajownik,radekl monafont-2.90-12.fc15 [u'631326 NEW'] (build/make) mtasaka Thanks, Matt -- Matt Domsch Technology Strategist Dell | Office of the CTO -- devel mailing list devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx