Hi. May I take the apache-commons-collections ? Thanks :] BR, Jaromir. -- Red Hat Czech, s.r.o. Software Engineer / BaseOS Email: jcapik@xxxxxxxxxx Web: www.cz.redhat.com Red Hat Czech s.r.o., Purkynova 99/71, 612 45, Brno, Czech Republic IC: 27690016 ----- Original Message ----- From: "Toshio Kuratomi" <a.badger@xxxxxxxxx> To: "Development discussions related to Fedora" <devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 2:02:01 AM Subject: Re: Packages that will be orphaned On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 08:04:46PM +0200, Jarosław Górny wrote: > Oh, dear, I've missed the deadline. I've signed the FPCA now. > I received a notice: > "You have successfully completed the FPCA. You are now in the > 'cla_fpca' group" > > Hope it's not too late... > Not at all. Updated lists are now available on http://toshio.fedorapeople.org/fpca/ adanaxisgpl adf-accanthis-fonts adf-tribun-fonts apache-commons-collections apanov-edrip-fonts apanov-heuristica-fonts atop auto-destdir bibletime bitstream-vera-fonts brandy buffer camcardsync cdo ciso clex cmospwd CodeAnalyst-gui comoonics-base-py contextkit cronolog ctapi-cyberjack cwrite db4o dbh dejavu-fonts demorse drbd ecolier-court-fonts edsadmin elfinfo EmfEngine espeak fcitx feh fig2sxd flite fontpackages gdeskcal gdesklets-goodweather gdesklets-quote-of-the-day gdm gfs-ambrosia-fonts gfs-artemisia-fonts gfs-baskerville-fonts gfs-bodoni-classic-fonts gfs-bodoni-fonts gfs-complutum-fonts gfs-decker-fonts gfs-didot-classic-fonts gfs-didot-fonts gfs-eustace-fonts gfs-fleischman-fonts gfs-garaldus-fonts gfs-gazis-fonts gfs-goschen-fonts gfs-ignacio-fonts gfs-jackson-fonts gfs-neohellenic-fonts gfs-nicefore-fonts gfs-olga-fonts gfs-philostratos-fonts gfs-porson-fonts gfs-pyrsos-fonts gfs-solomos-fonts gfs-theokritos-fonts ghost-diagrams gnome-globalmenu gnome-rdp gnome-screensaver gnome-themes-extras granule greadelf griv gtkparasite gtranslator gts gurlchecker gwaei halibut harminv healpy HippoDraw imagej imgtarget initng initng-conf-gtk initng-ifiles itpp jomolhari-fonts kanjistrokeorders-fonts kbibtex kde-plasma-ihatethecashew kde-plasma-translatoid kdetv kgtk klibido knutclient krusader leafpad libaccounts-glib libaccounts-qt libassa libax25 libcgroup libcmpiutil libctl libdwarf libglfw libibverbs libkdcraw liblicense libmatheval libmlx4 libmthca liborigin2 libqttracker libvirt-cim libvirt-qpid libwps LinLog linpsk linuxdcpp madwimax mod_auth_pam mod_dnssd moin-latex monotorrent moto4lin mrepo multiget mumbles muParser mx nabi ncview netcdf netsniff-ng notification-daemon-engine-slider ocfs2-tools oflb-riordonfancy-fonts olpcsound osiv paratype-pt-sans-fonts pcmanx-gtk2 perl-Config-Simple perl-Font-TTF perl-Ham-Reference-QRZ perl-Makefile-DOM perl-Net-SMTP-SSL pgRouting phoronix-test-suite photoprint photoprint-borders picocom pisg polipo presto procbench proxychains purple-plugin_pack python-Chaco python-Enable python-mechanoid python-pip python-polib python-pydns python-pyspf python-rabbyt python-tilecache python-TraitsBackendWX python-werkzeug python-zc-lockfile python-zdaemon python-zope-event python-zope-testing pywebkitgtk pyxmms qjson qoauth qps qt4-qsa qterm QTeXEngine qtiplot quazip qwit qwt qwt-doc rubygem-heroku rubygem-mail rubygem-mustache rubygem-railties rubygem-tzinfo scantailor scidavis scitools scrip secstate seedit senamirmir-washra-fonts sil-andika-fonts sil-charis-compact-fonts sil-charis-fonts sirius smb4k SOAPpy sound-theme-freedesktop spyder ss5 stix-fonts stp straw sx tcptrack tenr-de-styles-pkg tetrinetx tex-zfuzz tibetan-machine-uni-fonts tinycdb transifex userspace-rcu vidalia vifm webattery whowatch wifiroamd xcowsay xdx xerces-c xgridfit xinha xmlcopyeditor xmms xmms-alarm xqilla xvkbd yanone-kaffeesatz-fonts zenon zvbi -Toshio -- devel mailing list devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel -- devel mailing list devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel