Summary/Minutes from today's FESCo meeting (2011-06-01)

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#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2011-06-01)

Meeting started by nirik at 17:30:01 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* init process  (nirik, 17:30:01)

* #563 suggested policy: all daemons must set RELRO and PIE flags
  (nirik, 17:31:58)

* Features - Introduction/general comments  (nirik, 17:36:12)

* #589 Porting from sysVinit init scripts to systemd unit files  (nirik,
  * LINK:
    (nirik, 17:43:16)
  * LINK:
    ?  (mclasen, 17:45:52)
  * AGREED: feature is approved.  (nirik, 17:52:21)

* #591 F16Feature: Aeolus Conductor -  (nirik,
  * AGREED: feature is approved.  (nirik, 17:55:19)

* #592 F16Feature: Blender 2.5 -  (nirik, 17:55:24)
  * AGREED: feature is approved.  (nirik, 17:59:55)

* #593 F16Feature: Cloudstack -  (nirik, 18:00:09)
  * AGREED: feature is approved.  (nirik, 18:06:49)

* #594 F16Feature: F16 BTRFS default file system -  (nirik,
  * LINK:   (nirik,
  * LINK:   (mclasen,
  * AGREED: FESCo folks will add critera and questions to the feature
    page, revisit feature next week.  (nirik, 18:40:39)

* #595 F16Feature: GHC 7.0.3 and Haskell Platform 2011.2.0.1 -  (nirik, 18:41:18)
  * AGREED: feature is approved.  (nirik, 18:42:23)

* #596 F16Feature: HAL Removal -  (nirik, 18:42:31)
  * AGREED: feature is approved.  (nirik, 18:44:14)

* #597 F16Feature: Sheepdog -  (nirik, 18:44:26)
  * AGREED: feature is approved.  (nirik, 18:46:10)

* #598 F16Feature: SysV to Systemd -  (nirik,

* #599 F16Feature: ConsoleKit Removal/Automatic Multi-Seat Support -  (nirik, 18:47:03)
  * AGREED: defer and gather more info.  (nirik, 18:51:45)

* #600 F16Feature: nss-myhostname by default -  (nirik,
  * AGREED: feature is approved.  (nirik, 18:55:31)

* #601 F16 Feature: Perl5.14  (nirik, 18:55:40)
  * AGREED: feature is approved. (provided it passes wrangler)  (nirik,

* Schedule for f16  (nirik, 18:58:49)
  * LINK:   (nirik,
  * AGREED: FESCo is ok with the proposed schedule.  (nirik, 19:07:22)

* Open Floor  (nirik, 19:07:27)

Meeting ended at 19:14:52 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* nirik (178)
* mclasen (43)
* rbergeron (36)
* mjg59 (35)
* notting (34)
* mmaslano (33)
* fenrus02 (26)
* josef (25)
* cwickert (24)
* ajax (18)
* zodbot (17)
* pjones (13)
* kylem (11)
* gholms (9)
* jsmith (8)
* drago01 (4)
* tibbs|h (3)
* tatica (2)
* abadger1999 (2)
* nsoranzo (2)
* Southern_Gentlem (1)
* SMParrish (0)
17:30:01 <nirik> #startmeeting FESCO (2011-06-01)
17:30:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun  1 17:30:01 2011 UTC.  The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at
17:30:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:30:01 <nirik> #meetingname fesco
17:30:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fesco'
17:30:01 <nirik> #chair mclasen notting nirik SMParrish kylem ajax cwickert mjg59 mmaslano
17:30:01 <nirik> #topic init process
17:30:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: SMParrish ajax cwickert kylem mclasen mjg59 mmaslano nirik notting
17:30:08 <notting> hello all
17:30:26 <nirik> morning everyone
17:30:36 <kylem> yo.
17:30:38 * mclasen is here for a change
17:30:52 <mmaslano> hello
17:31:22 * cwickert is here
17:31:52 <nirik> ok, I guess lets dive in. we have a pile of features today. ;)
17:31:58 <nirik> #topic #563 suggested policy: all daemons must set RELRO and PIE flags
17:31:58 <nirik> .fesco 563
17:32:00 <zodbot> nirik: #563 (suggested policy: all daemons must set RELRO and PIE flags) - FESCo - Trac -
17:32:08 <nirik> I guess ajax was looking into this more...
17:32:35 <tibbs|h> This sounds like a packaging guideline.
17:33:18 <nirik> tibbs|h: well, we were going to just change default cflags...
17:33:34 <nirik> but apparently there's a bug in the toolchain somewhere with one of them, so we didn't yet.
17:34:20 <nirik> ajax: any news on ticket 563?
17:34:24 <nirik> .fesco 563
17:34:28 <zodbot> nirik: #563 (suggested policy: all daemons must set RELRO and PIE flags) - FESCo - Trac -
17:34:47 <ajax> not that i've heard.  i'll follow up.
17:34:51 <tibbs|h> At one time ajax had submitted a guideline draft surrounding PIE.
17:35:00 <ajax> PIC, not PIE.
17:35:17 <tibbs|h> Ah, right, that was a static library thing.
17:36:03 <nirik> ok, will revisit...
17:36:12 <nirik> #topic Features - Introduction/general comments
17:36:20 <nirik> so, we have a bunch of features today.
17:36:37 <nirik> I'd like to note that mether pointed out that many of our features lack reasonable docs/release notes.
17:36:47 * mclasen scrambles to find the agenda
17:37:00 <nirik> I don't know if we want to push back on this more today or not, but thought I would mention it.
17:37:24 <nirik> Also, I think there's some folks ( rbergeron and abadger1999 at least I think) that were interested in revamping our feature process.
17:37:39 <nirik> that won't of course affect anything today, but thought I would mention it.
17:37:49 <nirik> Anyone have general feature comments before we start on them?
17:38:04 <mmaslano> rbergeron: ^
17:38:18 <abadger1999> Yeah we ewere interested but haven't gotten our act together.
17:38:31 <abadger1999> I'll let rbergeron lead on that since she's the current feature wrangler :-)
17:38:45 * nirik thinks it needs revamping too, but also has not had time to do anything about it.
17:39:31 <nirik> ok, diving in then...
17:39:32 <mclasen> I think we can do better if we look at different features differently
17:39:32 <mmaslano> we should care more about changes. New packages like cloud feature could be only mentioned in release notes
17:39:51 <mmaslano> mclasen: I agree
17:39:51 <mclasen> there cleanups, version updates, default changes,...
17:40:07 <nirik> yeah, I think things that are release notes/docs/press should be a bit different from things that need coordination, etc.
17:40:10 <nirik> mclasen: yep.
17:40:12 <gholms> How about feature removals?
17:40:35 <nirik> gholms: like removing hal?
17:40:41 <gholms> Hal, Xen, you-name-it
17:40:59 <mjg59> Hey, sorry
17:41:16 <nirik> sure, it would be good to note those for rel-notes, etc too.
17:41:27 <mmaslano> two categories will be enough. Could break other packages, can't break.
17:42:02 <nirik> anyhow, dunno if we can redo the process here today, but do be thinking about it and coming up with proposals to fix it.
17:42:36 <mmaslano> probably not, wait for rbergeron
17:42:55 <nirik> #topic #589 Porting from sysVinit init scripts to systemd unit files
17:42:55 <nirik> .fesco 589
17:42:56 <zodbot> nirik: #589 (Porting from sysVinit init scripts to systemd unit files) - FESCo - Trac -
17:43:16 <nirik>
17:44:02 <nirik> this was one mether noted about release notes I think.
17:44:46 <nirik> I'd add that we should submit our systemd units files upstream as well as they are made.
17:45:30 <nirik> votes? comments?
17:45:33 <mmaslano> I'm not sure if all units files will be created on time.
17:45:43 <mmaslano> Do they have any tracker?
17:45:52 <mclasen> ?
17:45:59 <mjg59> Expecting 100% completion in 6 months would probably be unrealistic
17:46:04 <mjg59> But I think it's something to aim for
17:46:18 <nirik> yeah, I'm sure there will be stragglers...
17:46:46 <gholms> I don't see anything in that feature page that mentions any interaction with package maintainers.
17:47:21 <mclasen> gholms: a ton of bugs have been filed already, it seems ?
17:47:24 <nirik> "Developers will need to convert ..."
17:47:28 <nirik> yeah, bugs have been filed.
17:47:32 <notting> last point of scope says 'developers', i assume that refers to the maintainers
17:47:34 <mmaslano> mclasen: it's not updated, I converted my daemons already
17:47:42 <gholms> Oh, got it.
17:48:01 <mclasen> mmaslano: ah, thats why the 'last updated' field was empty :-)
17:48:33 <nirik> so, +1 here, but I'd like to add some suggestions... need more for release notes, note about upstreaming changes.
17:49:15 <notting> +1 as well
17:49:28 <mclasen> +1 here too
17:49:30 <notting> release note would be a bit strange - wouldn't it just point to more general systemd documentation?
17:49:44 <mmaslano> +1
17:50:14 <ajax> +1
17:50:49 <mjg59> +1
17:52:08 <nirik> well, note that X number of packages have been converted,
17:52:16 <nirik> for info see systemd docs, blah
17:52:21 <nirik> #agreed feature is approved.
17:52:31 <nirik> #topic #591 F16Feature: Aeolus Conductor -
17:53:14 <ajax> cloud me harder.
17:54:01 <nirik> It looks like a long list... and 0%
17:54:13 <nirik> but if they want to try for f16, great. ;) +1 here
17:54:16 <notting> yep, although i don't see that as reason to not approve it now. +1
17:54:17 <mjg59> +1
17:54:41 <mmaslano> +1, this one is candidate for release notes only
17:54:53 <ajax> +!
17:55:19 <nirik> #agreed feature is approved.
17:55:20 <kylem> +1
17:55:24 <nirik> #topic #592 F16Feature: Blender 2.5 -
17:55:24 <nirik> .fesco 592
17:55:26 <zodbot> nirik: #592 (F16Feature: Blender 2.5 - - FESCo - Trac -
17:55:59 <notting> ack, just add it to the relnotes. +1
17:56:07 <nirik> +1
17:56:12 <ajax> +1
17:56:20 <nirik> is this the first major python3.x thing we have?
17:56:21 <notting> i'm not particularly fond of the idea of creating a compat package
17:56:46 <nirik> yeah, seems short lived
17:57:55 <mmaslano> +1
17:58:05 <mclasen> would be good to have some details on the 'packages which could not migrate' - what set of packages are we talking about here
17:59:30 <mclasen> anyway, +1 here too
17:59:35 <mjg59> +1
17:59:55 <nirik> #agreed feature is approved.
18:00:09 <nirik> #topic #593 F16Feature: Cloudstack -
18:00:09 <nirik> .fesco 593
18:00:11 <zodbot> nirik: #593 (F16Feature: Cloudstack - - FESCo - Trac -
18:00:44 <nirik> mor cloud. ;)
18:00:45 <mclasen> oh no, buzzword typo in the summary !
18:01:12 <notting> so, do we get cloudstack and aeolus to fight?
18:01:22 <notting> in any case, sure, +1
18:01:23 <mmaslano> +1 (release notes)
18:01:28 <nirik> +1 here.
18:01:38 <ajax> +1
18:01:53 <mclasen> notting: one would think the feature pages should give you a way to figure out if the two overlap or are entirely different things...
18:01:58 * mclasen comes up empty though
18:02:02 <rbergeron> whoa! fail. /me apologizes, thought meeting was at 18:30.
18:02:26 * rbergeron glares at wiki/Fedora_meeting_channel
18:02:39 <nirik> hey rbergeron.
18:02:43 <nirik> sorry for any confusion. ;(
18:02:57 * nirik has to step away for just a minute. continue on...
18:03:01 <rbergeron> no worries. i should have double checkered. sorry.
18:04:59 <mmaslano> more votes for cloudstack?
18:05:03 * gholms sees +4
18:05:28 <cwickert> sorry, I got distirbed by real live
18:06:35 <kylem> +1
18:06:39 <cwickert> +1
18:06:49 <nirik> #agreed feature is approved.
18:06:50 <kylem> sorry, was catching up on actually reading it
18:06:51 <kylem> heh
18:06:58 <cwickert> same here
18:07:03 <nirik> #topic #594 F16Feature: F16 BTRFS default file system -
18:07:03 <nirik> .fesco 594
18:07:04 <zodbot> nirik: #594 (F16Feature: F16 BTRFS default file system - - FESCo - Trac -
18:07:07 <nirik> here's a fun one. ;)
18:07:16 <fenrus02> w00t
18:07:53 <gholms> Here's one with a bad Release Notes section.
18:07:55 * mclasen would point out the lack of desktop integration, but btrfs is in the same boat as lvm here
18:08:11 * nirik is still waiting for a fsck. Also, can you do encrypted btrfs without lvm?
18:08:13 <notting> i don't think there's enough info here to make a reasonable default/non-default decision
18:08:19 <mmaslano> I'd like to point out
18:08:21 <drago01> mclasen: chicken-egg ?
18:08:32 <mmaslano> and especially
18:08:35 <fenrus02> nirik, fsck exists.  it does not yet correct errors, just point them out.
18:08:42 <mmaslano> nirik: fun as you said
18:08:51 <nirik> fenrus02: doesn't even do that here. ;) I need to followup on it tho
18:08:54 <mclasen> drago01: sure; would just be good to give that some thought (and we will, maybe not in time for f16 though)
18:09:12 <fenrus02> mmaslano, one of those is due to compression
18:09:13 <drago01> *nod*
18:09:20 <ajax> "would be good to expose some of the different features of BTRFS via anaconda".  which?
18:09:34 <nirik> compression perhaps
18:09:38 <fenrus02> ajax, subvolmes for /home
18:09:47 <ajax> don't tell me, tell the feature page.
18:10:08 * nirik would like more info, etc... so no for now, but will add questions to talk page.
18:10:23 <notting> so, yeah, i'm -1 for now, but not against approving it later with more info
18:10:27 <ajax> shipping an unrecoverable fs doesn't seem awesome to me.
18:10:28 <mmaslano> -1
18:10:37 <mclasen> ajax: the benefits section seems to list the biggies
18:10:52 <fenrus02> ajax, see zfs for example
18:11:11 <cwickert> I think I am +1, let them try and we can still revert it later
18:11:45 <josef> argh fricking utc crap
18:11:50 <nirik> hey josef.
18:11:56 <nirik> we were just talking about btrfs. ;)
18:12:01 <josef> i spend 20 minutes just finding out i'm 30 minutes late
18:12:13 <fenrus02> cwickert, fixing btrfsck should be real soon, so by f16 alpha, it should be available easily

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