> I wouldn't expect most users to edit the menu at all. They'll just use > the default. *boggle* what is the threshold to move from new user to power user - it seems it is set a bit too low. Just b/c someone likes a different application doesn't mean they're skilled enough to find it buried 10 layers deep. > Again, I don't think most users are going to want to spend time > evaluating various applications. Ok - so I have to ask - how many user interactions have y'all had? (y'all == the people deciding this policy?) I interact with users everday - more importantly users of desktop linux systems and they pick over the apps all day until they find one they like, then they cling to it like lichen on a cave wall. > If they have a preferred application, they're more of a power user. > Probably something like the MacOS "Applications" folder would be a good > solution here, as Rex suggested. preferring an application makes someone a power user? What is your scale for going from new user to power user? could you explain it b/c I think we're working at VERY different definitions. -sv