On 05/12/2011 03:12 PM, Michal Schmidt wrote: > On Thu, 12 May 2011 15:28:54 +0200 Michal Hlavinka wrote: >> > 1) does systemd support alternative to "service sthd configtest" or >> > other special actions? > No. > You can run ExecStartPre= before starting a service for syntax checking before starting the service like we do for .. *Freeradius* ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/radiusd -C *Bind* ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/named-checkconf /etc/named.conf *Cups* ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/cupsd -t *Apache* ( happens on reload ) ExecReload=/usr/sbin/httpd.event $OPTIONS -t etc... Then there is a question given that this is an hardware related service that that you would want to hardware activate the service with some udev + systemd magic like this.. *Warning* take this example with a grain of salt since I'm as green as it gets when it comes to udev stuff hopefully udev experts wont throw up and kill me for this.. *Warning* Something like this which would reside in In something like $number-nut-usbups-systemd.rules Like... SUBSYSTEM=="ups", TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}="ups.target" Or SUBSYSTEM=="ups", TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_ALIAS}="/sys/path/to/ups/devices/%k" Or Using an example from /lib/udev/rules.d/62-nut-usbups.rules Mapping 1 to 1 entries from the supplied udev file # T500 - bcmxcp_usb ATTR{idVendor}=="03f0", ATTR{idProduct}=="1f01", MODE="664", GROUP="dialout" Would look something like this assuming idProduct==ID_MODEL_ID ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}=="03f0",ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}=="1f01" TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}="ups.target" *ups.target* would look something like this.. [Unit] Description=Uninterruptible Power Source ( UPS ) StopWhenUnneeded=yes *upsd.service* something like this [Unit] Description=UPS Monitor Master. Requires=upsd-driver.service upsd-monitor.service After=syslog.target upsd-driver.service Before= upsd-monitor.service [Service] Type=forking PIDFile=/var/run/nut/upsd.pid EnvironmentFile=-/etc/sysconfig/ups ExecStart=/usr/sbin/upsd $UPSD_OPTIONS ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID TimeoutSec=5 [Install] WantedBy=ups.target You would plug in the ups and voila it *should* get activated. JBG -- devel mailing list devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel