Hello- 1. Mark Alan Fonnemann 2. Chestnut Hill, MA, USA 3. Recently received my Master's in Mathematics. Looking for full-time employment currently. do you have a job available for me??? :-) 4. Boston College, Computer Science, B.A.; Mathematics, M.A. 5. I'd like to see ghex packaged on a more regular basis i.e. every new source release, I plan on packaging shortly after. It has been included in the past in fedora.us but the package available is very old (2.4.*) where as (stable 2.5.* and 2.6.0) has been available for some time. 6. I've been doing testing and filing bugs for Fedora Core 2 (especially firewire). I've been around on fedora-test-list either finding firewire bugs or asking stupid questions. ;-) i'm good for that. :-) I spend most of my time programming in C, VB, and Java. Hope to find a position doing just that in the near future. I've also been known to be interested in emulation, bison generated grammars, and (f)lexical analysis along with a bunch of other theoretical computer science problems. Favorite computer book is (obviously) K&R C with Stevens' Unix Network Programming a close second. Redhat user since RHL4... Fedora/Redhat has come a long way since then!! 7. i'm new to GPG. hopefully, i did this right! pub 1024D/B0B9FE52 2004-05-10 Mark A. Fonnemann <m.fonneman.n@xxxxxx> Key fingerprint = B121 4717 7D61 5E61 BC53 0729 1A92 D7EC B0B9 FE52 sub 1024g/8C4CED67 2004-05-10 mark. :-) __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs http://hotjobs.sweepstakes.yahoo.com/careermakeover