(only the english version) on a wiki and let people add a better name, genericname, etc following the HIG.
After 2 months the best one's are selected. Then people can start translating it to there language.
After 3 months after the freezing date. So after there translated. The results are put in .desktop files and send to the maintainers.
With maintainers I mean the programme and the package maintainers.
This will let other distro's also profit from this effort.
example: send gimp.desktop to gimp fedora and gimp
Wiki example:
xchat.desktop original: Name=IRC Client GenericName=IRC Client Comment=X-Chat
lupus: Name=X-Chat IRC Client GenericName=IRC Client Comment=For chatting on IRC
PS: if everything goes to plan the new desktop files can be in FC3
Lupus (Kristof Vansant Belgium)
Vraag van de week: Welk soort project zou jij financieel ondersteunen? http://www.msn.be/microsoft/potential/default.asp