Once upon a time Sunday 02 May 2004 12:53 pm, Bill Nottingham wrote: > Dennis Gilmore (dennis@xxxxxxxx) said: > > For a third-party package we don't ship? It's probably not going to > happen at this point. Note that, for example, mutt with gnupg will > work pretty much the same as it normally does in core - it doesn't > require libgcrypt. > > libgcrypt was updated for a package we do ship (cryptsetup for dm-crypt). > > Bill well fedora.us has quite a few packages that do require it ie gpgme gpgme03 cryptplug. mutt needs gpgme03 kmail uses cryptplug which needs gpgme03 so you are breaking packages in fedora.us and saying too bad not good, consideration has to be taken to packages in extras and it seems its not. so it leaves us to upping gnupg to a version that is considered alpha to support the extras tree or does that not come into consideration? So far the fedora project seems to be Red Hat doing what it wants with slightly more input from others but no real effort to open the project up. for a while now ive been starting to get a bad taste in my mouth about the whole thing and more and more it seems to be justified. Dennis