A new and (hopefully) improved version of Fedora Tracker is now up at: http://academy.phpwebhosting.com/cgi-bin/tracker/tracker.py New features of interest: * Search results are sorted by repository type (core, extras, tp, etc) * Package search defaults to simplified interface * Source packages are filtered out by default to cut down on search results. Among the other features I hope to add based on suggestions I've gotten here is the ability to have search results display "condensed". That is, just the name, description and a link to view details on all instances of this package. I think that will make search results much more readable but because it adds an extra pageload between initiating a search and actually getting the package I'm reticent to make it the default. It will probably be a checkbox option on the advanced search page. I'll also add a "news" page or something so as to stop bugging you folks with updates =:). Since these most recent changes are the result of feedback from this list, though, I thought it appropriate to post about here. Comments? --Brad