Hi Is there a policy for upgrading Fedora test packages to various versions? There are some mails to devel list saying "package xxx is out, where from can we gen an updated rpm?" I guess it depends from package to package, depending on importance and resources to rebuild it. For example, evolution 1.4 will be in FC2, but we can get RPMS for FC2 from Jackub homepage. The same way Nils P. provided rpms for GIMP while it was nearing 2.0 release and Arjan for kernel. Can we get a list with these places? Is there a repository where from we can try OOo 1.1.1rc3? Can this be included in FC test 2 instead of current 1.1.0? Thanks -- Marius Andreiana Galuna - Solutii Linux in Romania http://www.galuna.ro