On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 01:25:52PM -0800, Jonathan Gardner wrote: > If you are already doing something like this, I would like to know about > your experiences. Are there some people at RedHat actively working on this? #include <autolawyer.h> s/RedHat/Red Hat/ btw 8) > Are there people in the various software communities that are doing this? Yes there are - Sun and others have been working on Gnome usability for some time - its why Gnome no longer has 200 CD players and 4 different clock applets for example > Do you know where I can go for more information so that I can stand on the > shoulders of giants rather than walk in their shadows? Please let me know > if you know about anything related to this. I am particular interested in > community, non-profit usability studies. Outside of UI itself but very often cited is the excellent book "The Design Of Everyday Things"