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Compose started at Fri Jun 11 08:15:04 UTC 2010

Broken deps for i386
	almanah-0.7.3-1.fc14.i686 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12
	1:anjuta- requires libgladeui-1.so.9
	blender-2.49b-6.fc13.i686 requires libgettextlib-0.17.so
	blenderplayer-2.49b-6.fc13.i686 requires libgettextlib-0.17.so
	condor-7.4.2-1.fc13.i686 requires libclassad_ns.so.0
	cpanspec-1.78-4.fc13.noarch requires perl(IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2)
	dates-0.4.11-3.fc14.i686 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.11
	deskbar-applet-2.30.0-1.1.fc14.i686 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12
	e_dbus- requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0
	ecore- requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0
	edje- requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0
	efreet- requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0
	enlightenment-0.16.999.063-2.fc14.i686 requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0
	esperanza-0.4.0-6.fc13.i686 requires libxmmsclient++.so.3
	esperanza-0.4.0-6.fc13.i686 requires libxmmsclient.so.5
	evas- requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0
	evolution-couchdb-0.4.91-2.fc14.i686 requires libcamel-1.2.so.16
	evolution-couchdb-0.4.91-2.fc14.i686 requires libcamel-provider-1.2.so.16
	gambas-runtime-1.0.19-12.fc13.i686 requires libgettextlib-0.17.so
	giggle-0.5-1.fc14.i686 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12
	gkrellxmms2-0.7.0-6.20090811git.fc13.i686 requires libxmmsclient.so.5
	gnome-python2-brasero-2.30.0-5.fc14.i686 requires libbrasero-media.so.0
	gnome-python2-brasero-2.30.0-5.fc14.i686 requires libbrasero-burn.so.0
	gnome-python2-evolution-2.30.0-5.fc14.i686 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12
	gthumb-2.11.3-2.fc14.i686 requires libbrasero-burn.so.0
	gxmms2-0.7.0-6.20090811git.fc13.i686 requires libxmmsclient.so.5
	highlight-3.0-0.1.fc14.i686 requires perl(MT::Plugin)
	highlight-3.0-0.1.fc14.i686 requires perl(MT::WeblogPublisher)
	highlight-3.0-0.1.fc14.i686 requires perl(MT::Entry)
	highlight-3.0-0.1.fc14.i686 requires perl(MT)
	highlight-3.0-0.1.fc14.i686 requires perl(MT::Template::Context)
	kobby-1.0-0.3.b4.fc13.i686 requires libinfinity-0.3.so.0
	kobby-1.0-0.3.b4.fc13.i686 requires libinftext-0.3.so.0
	kphotoalbum-4.1.1-5.fc13.i686 requires libmarblewidget.so.4
	kphotoalbum-4.1.1-5.fc13.i686 requires libexiv2.so.6
	libqinfinity-1.0-0.2.b4.fc13.i686 requires libinfinity-0.3.so.0
	libqinfinity-1.0-0.2.b4.fc13.i686 requires libinftext-0.3.so.0
	merkaartor-0.15.3-1.fc13.i686 requires libexiv2.so.6
	perl-Sys-Virt-TCK-0.1.0-6.fc13.noarch requires perl(IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2)
	plexus-containers-component-annotations-javadoc-1.0-0.1.a34.7.fc12.noarch requires jakarta-commons-logging-javadoc
	qtgpsc-0.2.3-6.fc12.i686 requires libgps.so.18
	rhythmbox-0.12.8-4.fc14.i686 requires libbrasero-media.so.0
	rubygem-right_aws-1.10.0-3.fc14.noarch requires rubygem(right-http_connection) >= 0:1.2.4
	sound-juicer-2.28.2-2.fc14.i686 requires libbrasero-media.so.0
	syncevolution-1.0beta3-2.fc14.i686 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12
	tasks-0.16-3.fc14.i686 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12
	themonospot-gui-qt-0.1.3-6.fc14.i686 requires mono(qt-dotnet) = 0:
	themonospot-gui-qt-0.1.3-6.fc14.i686 requires libqyotoshared.so.1
	tracker-evolution-plugin-0.8.5-1.fc14.i686 requires libcamel-provider-1.2.so.15
	tracker-evolution-plugin-0.8.5-1.fc14.i686 requires libcamel-1.2.so.15
	tracker-evolution-plugin-0.8.5-1.fc14.i686 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12
	vfrnav-0.4-1.fc13.i686 requires libgps.so.18
	vifir-0.4-2.fc14.i686 requires libgps.so.18
	viking-0.9.91-3.fc13.i686 requires libgps.so.18
	xenner-0.48-1.fc14.i386 requires libxenguest.so.3.4
	zarafa-webaccess-6.30.14-1.fc14.noarch requires php(mapi) = 0:6.30.14

Broken deps for x86_64
	almanah-0.7.3-1.fc14.x86_64 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12()(64bit)
	1:anjuta- requires libgladeui-1.so.9
	1:anjuta- requires libgladeui-1.so.9()(64bit)
	blender-2.49b-6.fc13.x86_64 requires libgettextlib-0.17.so()(64bit)
	blenderplayer-2.49b-6.fc13.x86_64 requires libgettextlib-0.17.so()(64bit)
	condor-7.4.2-1.fc13.x86_64 requires libclassad_ns.so.0()(64bit)
	cpanspec-1.78-4.fc13.noarch requires perl(IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2)
	dates-0.4.11-3.fc14.x86_64 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.11()(64bit)
	deskbar-applet-2.30.0-1.1.fc14.x86_64 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12()(64bit)
	e_dbus- requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0
	e_dbus- requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0()(64bit)
	ecore- requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0
	ecore- requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0()(64bit)
	edje- requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0
	edje- requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0()(64bit)
	efreet- requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0
	efreet- requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0()(64bit)
	enlightenment-0.16.999.063-2.fc14.x86_64 requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0()(64bit)
	esperanza-0.4.0-6.fc13.x86_64 requires libxmmsclient++.so.3()(64bit)
	esperanza-0.4.0-6.fc13.x86_64 requires libxmmsclient.so.5()(64bit)
	evas- requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0
	evas- requires libeina-ver-svn-05.so.0()(64bit)
	evolution-couchdb-0.4.91-2.fc14.x86_64 requires libcamel-provider-1.2.so.16()(64bit)
	evolution-couchdb-0.4.91-2.fc14.x86_64 requires libcamel-1.2.so.16()(64bit)
	giggle-0.5-1.fc14.i686 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12
	giggle-0.5-1.fc14.x86_64 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12()(64bit)
	gkrellxmms2-0.7.0-6.20090811git.fc13.x86_64 requires libxmmsclient.so.5()(64bit)
	gnome-python2-brasero-2.30.0-5.fc14.x86_64 requires libbrasero-media.so.0()(64bit)
	gnome-python2-brasero-2.30.0-5.fc14.x86_64 requires libbrasero-burn.so.0()(64bit)
	gnome-python2-evolution-2.30.0-5.fc14.x86_64 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12()(64bit)
	gthumb-2.11.3-2.fc14.x86_64 requires libbrasero-burn.so.0()(64bit)
	gxmms2-0.7.0-6.20090811git.fc13.x86_64 requires libxmmsclient.so.5()(64bit)
	highlight-3.0-0.1.fc14.x86_64 requires perl(MT::Plugin)
	highlight-3.0-0.1.fc14.x86_64 requires perl(MT::WeblogPublisher)
	highlight-3.0-0.1.fc14.x86_64 requires perl(MT::Entry)
	highlight-3.0-0.1.fc14.x86_64 requires perl(MT)
	highlight-3.0-0.1.fc14.x86_64 requires perl(MT::Template::Context)
	kobby-1.0-0.3.b4.fc13.x86_64 requires libinfinity-0.3.so.0()(64bit)
	kobby-1.0-0.3.b4.fc13.x86_64 requires libinftext-0.3.so.0()(64bit)
	kphotoalbum-4.1.1-5.fc13.x86_64 requires libexiv2.so.6()(64bit)
	kphotoalbum-4.1.1-5.fc13.x86_64 requires libmarblewidget.so.4()(64bit)
	libqinfinity-1.0-0.2.b4.fc13.i686 requires libinfinity-0.3.so.0
	libqinfinity-1.0-0.2.b4.fc13.i686 requires libinftext-0.3.so.0
	libqinfinity-1.0-0.2.b4.fc13.x86_64 requires libinfinity-0.3.so.0()(64bit)
	libqinfinity-1.0-0.2.b4.fc13.x86_64 requires libinftext-0.3.so.0()(64bit)
	merkaartor-0.15.3-1.fc13.x86_64 requires libexiv2.so.6()(64bit)
	perl-Sys-Virt-TCK-0.1.0-6.fc13.noarch requires perl(IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2)
	plexus-containers-component-annotations-javadoc-1.0-0.1.a34.7.fc12.noarch requires jakarta-commons-logging-javadoc
	qtgpsc-0.2.3-6.fc12.x86_64 requires libgps.so.18()(64bit)
	rhythmbox-0.12.8-4.fc14.i686 requires libbrasero-media.so.0
	rhythmbox-0.12.8-4.fc14.x86_64 requires libbrasero-media.so.0()(64bit)
	rubygem-right_aws-1.10.0-3.fc14.noarch requires rubygem(right-http_connection) >= 0:1.2.4
	sound-juicer-2.28.2-2.fc14.x86_64 requires libbrasero-media.so.0()(64bit)
	syncevolution-1.0beta3-2.fc14.i686 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12
	syncevolution-1.0beta3-2.fc14.x86_64 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12()(64bit)
	tasks-0.16-3.fc14.x86_64 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12()(64bit)
	themonospot-gui-qt-0.1.3-6.fc14.x86_64 requires mono(qt-dotnet) = 0:
	themonospot-gui-qt-0.1.3-6.fc14.x86_64 requires libqyotoshared.so.1()(64bit)
	tracker-evolution-plugin-0.8.5-1.fc14.x86_64 requires libcamel-provider-1.2.so.15()(64bit)
	tracker-evolution-plugin-0.8.5-1.fc14.x86_64 requires libedataserver-1.2.so.12()(64bit)
	tracker-evolution-plugin-0.8.5-1.fc14.x86_64 requires libcamel-1.2.so.15()(64bit)
	vfrnav-0.4-1.fc13.x86_64 requires libgps.so.18()(64bit)
	vifir-0.4-2.fc14.x86_64 requires libgps.so.18()(64bit)
	viking-0.9.91-3.fc13.x86_64 requires libgps.so.18()(64bit)
	xenner-0.48-1.fc14.x86_64 requires libxenguest.so.3.4()(64bit)
	zarafa-webaccess-6.30.14-1.fc14.noarch requires php(mapi) = 0:6.30.14

New package perl-Mojolicious
        A next generation web framework for Perl
New package systemd
        A System and Session Manager
Removed package gir-repository
Updated Packages:

* Fri May 28 2010 Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.3.1-1
- amarok-2.3.1

* Fri Jun 11 2010 Thomas Janssen <thomasj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.3.0-1
- eet 1.3.0

* Fri Jun 11 2010 Randall J. Berry <dp67@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3.20.15-2
- fix date in changelog

* Fri Jun 11 2010 Randall J. Berry <dp67@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3.20.15-1
- Upstream update 3.20.15

* Fri May 21 2010 Jens Petersen <petersen@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- update to release (#591044)
- gettext-0.17-autopoint-CVS-441481.patch, gettext-0.17-long-long-int-m4.patch
  gettext-0.17-open-args.patch, and
  gettext-xgettext-python-unicode-surrogate-473946.patch are upstream
- move libintl.jar to lib subpackage to avoid multilib problems
  (reported by Jim Radford in #595922)
- disable java for now
- use chrpath to get us out of rpath hell instead of complicated libtool hacks
- enable git support

* Thu Jun 10 2010 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.21.2-1
- Update to 2.21.2

* Fri Jun 11 2010 Pravin Satpute <psatpute@xxxxxxxxxx> -
- added auxiliary text support, for space hit
- fixed bug 602942

* Thu Jun 10 2010 Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.5.10-17
- drop old Obsoletes/Provides: kdebase(-devel)

* Mon Jun 07 2010 Jaroslav Reznik <jreznik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.4.85-1
- 4.5 Beta 2 (4.4.85)

* Thu Jun 10 2010 Rex Dieter <rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.5.10-24
- drop old Obsoletes/Provides: kdelibs(-devel/-apidocs)
- -apidocs: Requires: kde-filesystem

* Tue Jun 08 2010 Alain Portal <alain.portal[AT]univ-montp2[DOT]fr> 2010.05.27-4
- Fix a focus issue (https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad/+bug/587970)
- Fix an unwanted mouse cursor move when using the t hotkey in pcbnew
- Fix an issue on arcs draw in 3D viewer (https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad/+bug/588882)

* Mon May 31 2010 Alain Portal <alain.portal[AT]univ-montp2[DOT]fr> 2010.05.27-3
- Fix an undo-redo issue (https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad/+bug/586032)

* Sun May 30 2010 Alain Portal <alain.portal[AT]univ-montp2[DOT]fr> 2010.05.27-2
- Don't forget icons

* Sat May 29 2010 Alain Portal <alain.portal[AT]univ-montp2[DOT]fr> 2010.05.27-1
- New packager version
- Update kicad version number patch
- Patch to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad/+bug/587175
- Patch to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad/+bug/587176

* Thu Jun 10 2010 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.8.2-1
- update to 1.8.2
  - drop patches for CVE-2010-1320, CVE-2010-1321

* Thu May 27 2010 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ksu: move session management calls to before we drop privileges, like
  su does (#596887), and don't skip the PAM account check for root or the
  same user (more of #540769)

* Fri Jun 11 2010 Thomas Janssen <thomasj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- libeina snapshot release

* Thu Jun 10 2010 Chris Lumens <clumens@xxxxxxxxxx> - 0.9-1
- Remove the requirement on python-bugzilla (#602794). (clumens)
- Rename ba.po -> bs.po (#583055). (clumens)
- Translation updates.

* Thu Jun 10 2010 Toshio Kuratomi <toshio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.6.13-4
- Fix race condition in unittests under the python-2.6.x on F-14.

* Thu Jun 10 2010 Toshio Kuratomi <toshio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.6.13-3
- Fix few more buildroot macros

* Thu Jun 10 2010 Toshio Kuratomi <toshio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.6.13-2
- Include data that's needed for running tests

* Thu Jun 10 2010 Toshio Kuratomi <toshio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.6.13-1
- Update to upstream 0.6.13
- Minor specfile formatting fixes

* Thu Jun 10 2010 Toshio Kuratomi <toshio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.0-1
- Update to upstream bugfix 1.1.0

* Sun Jun 06 2010 <edbrand@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.95-1
- latest upteam release

* Sun Jun 06 2010 <edbrand@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.94-4
- init script fixes

* Sun Jun 06 2010 <edbrand@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.94-3
- remaned /var/run/slogd/ /var/run/sslogger
- Renamed slogd binaries sslogger-slogd to match package name

* Mon May 31 2010 <edbrand@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.94-2
- Spec file fixes: 
- pid filename changed to match package
- changed daemon name to match package name

* Sun May 02 2010 <edbrand@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.94-1
- Fixed bugs in tlsclient, updated release 
- Added '-l' option to sslogger
- Added rslog
- Split sslogger-slogd into its own package
- added -lgcrypt in Makefile

* Tue Dec 29 2009 Ed Brand <edbrand@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.91-10
- Changed $define to $global in spec file

* Tue Dec 29 2009 Ed Brand <edbrand@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.91-9
- Notify slog server and gracefully termiate tls session when 
- running -c <cmd> with log_all_cmds=0

* Tue Dec 29 2009 Ed Brand <edbrand@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.91-8
- changed popen to dump stderr to stdout

* Tue Dec 29 2009 Ed Brand <edbrand@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.91-7
- fixed SIGPIP on server close connection

* Tue Dec 29 2009 Ed Brand <edbrand@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.91-1
- added remote tls logging and slogd server

* Fri Jun 11 2010 - David Sugar <dyfet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.0.3-1
- critical fix for reusable objects
- new core full duplex buffered io class, tcp and file buffering
- standardized hostname and service address resolver operations
- atomic operations introduced

* Thu Jun 10 2010 Xavier Bachelot <xavier@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.2.904-7
- Add upstream fix for a regression with DRI on 64 bits.
- Clean up spec indentation.

* Sat May 08 2010 Xavier Bachelot <xavier@xxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0.2.904-6
- Sync with trunk (r853) and drop patches accordingly.
- Add Xv acceleration for I420 on CME engine.

* Fri Jun 11 2010 Robert Scheck <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 6.40.0-2
- Added patch to ensure -pthread for -lclucene configure test

* Thu Jun 10 2010 Robert Scheck <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 6.40.0-1
- Upgrade to 6.40.0 (#564135, #565252, #600993)

Added Packages: 2
Removed Packages: 1
Modified Packages: 19
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