I can see where something like this could have value for a new user but I have two requirements for it: 1) It can't take away from core developer's time to integrate. There are many things of more priority than something that'll only run once and is more marketing than actual documentation. 2) It must have a cancel button so people don't have to see it if they don't want to. IMHO, Fedora is currently used by people who don't really want or need this "feature." Moving beyond that user base is something I hope will happen (and something like this may be appropriate to advance that purpose) but I don't see it as the purpose of FC2. Just my $0.02, -Toshio On Mon, 2004-03-01 at 08:51, Luca Ferrari wrote: > yes but there are many other people that dont know nothing about the > linux system!!! > This is a way to introduce him fedora and all the best fedora's > application... > The desktop, the config, the project and many other thing! > > I think the newbie like it! > > Please... > the intro is at http://luka4e.fedoraitalia.org/intro_1/ > -- > --Luca Ferrari-- > www.spazioinwind.libero.it/kamaleonte -- Toshio <toshio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>